Government Shut Down

Under the 2018 predictions Justin was seeing a major government shut down. We’re currently in one of the largest government shut downs in history. You can view the prediction by clicking this link.

The government shut down will continue to early February. I am seeing about 3-4 weeks around all of this. The type of information that I am seeing is a resolution beginning to work out around February 6th. Everything is at such a heightened stance right now, this will need to be deescalated carefully, like defusing a bomb. This is all about saving face. I see Nancy Pelosi being like okay, what do we have to do to get this down, but whispering help me save face. My 2018 predictions also mentioned a wall having a type of barrier or monitoring device. I really believe new technology will be used around this. There will be a plan that is agreed upon to get boarder security in development. I also foresee the “dreamers”not being in danger either. They are almost like a bargaining chip that is very much implanted and in place.

The Government is not in a good place. This Presidency is doing huge damage to relationships, and there’s so much toxic energy in Washington.

Justin Chase Mullins 2018 Predictions

2018 Predictions

President Trump

Highlights of 2014-2015 Predictions

Predictions for Late 2016-Early 2017

2015 Predictions Recap

Where Our Country is Headed on Major Issues

Future of Transportation

Future of Television

Predictions on Healthcare and Internet Regulations

After the Election

Trump, Clinton and the Presidency

Welcome to my 2018 Predictions.  I'm submitting these predictions in the order they were presented to me. This year's predictions will be simple, and neat.  I will not providing categories or photos, and so on. If guided, I may make additions later in the next several months, any additions will have a date added in the headline.  You may request specific additions by emailing  

Chip and Joanna Gaines Divorce

Trouble is brewing in paradise between the couple. Despite announcing a new pregnancy. I am seeing a divorce for the couple.  The divorce may not be announced in 2018, but will happen at the latest in the next several years.  They are growing apart and their media empire has split the marriage.

Bill Belichick and Tom Brady Issues

Under the 2017 predictions, I saw Bill Belichick retiring or leaving the Patriots within a year or two.  Several things are going to occur.  Coach Bill Belichick will leave the Patriots by 2019.  I also see Tom Brady having knee injuries and his production will decline.  I see two years of injuries and production drop off for Brady.

Under the blog President Trump, I wrote" A Democratic President is next in line.  I see African American energy and female energy too. Expect a very diverse ticket in the future. No matter who won the 2017 election, I was seeing an impeachment or resignation, this is what I would define as a set event. March 2018 also stands out as a very important time frame.   Under, The Future of Our Country (Our Next War) I wrote, "The Democrats are very likely to roll out another female candidate such as Elizabeth Warren, or even Oprah.  The Democratic party will have a diverse candidate in the next election."

Donald Trump

I see an image of a fist. I'm hearing he will rule with an iron fist. I see more aggression from President Trump in regards to his policies, his media relations and his dealings.  The United States will bomb another country in 2018. 

I also see issues regarding France being attacked.  A plane will be hijacked and crashed. A military will also fire without authorization.  A diplomat with French connections will be murdered in a terrorist attack. A car will be driven into a diplomatic building, killing those in crowds, this will happen in front of a diplomatic building.  I also see a gas attack.

There will be Acid Rain or Toxic Rain in Europe

A submarine will be attacked.

Russia will attack two nations.

There will be a standoff or conflict in Syria or Iraq involving Russia and another country (potentially the US). This is regarding a pipe line.

China will manipulate currency.

I am hearing the Stock Market Bell, I see this breaking.   Expect to see a record high. 

I also see New York City cleared in the streets.  I see Wallstreet closed down. 

There will be a government shut down. 

Ford will be sold or have a merger with another company, like they will acquire a car company.

Expect more Flooding in the United States. There will be more issues of toxic water.  This is also throughout many states. 

I see shooting into moving traffic.  I also see cars being driven very fast.  There will be terrorism involving the highway/interstate in a major city.

Drugs will be found in pillows. A drug bust involving a pillow truck.

Expect Ecstasy to make the headlines regarding a famous blond headed female.

Tony Stark will die in the new Avengers 4 movie.

Jurassic Park Chris will be in two romantic flings and high profile break ups.

There will be fire in Las Vegas on the strip.

David Venbale of QVC will have a health announcement regarding the organs in the stomach area.

Glenn Beck's the Blaze will go bankrupt. He will work with another television company.

Lebron James will have a broken bone. He has 1 year or less left with the Caviler's.  They will have a front office or ownership change.

A sailboat will make news for a wreck regarding a boat on the water ,such as hitting rocks.

Donald Trump will make news for his sons education.   There will be issues regarding his mental health, expect Alzheimer claims or dementia claims.  He will begin to make angry, bizarre statements. He will create a 500 billion-700 dollar billion road way announcement or project.  There will be a shooting in Washington regarding a member of office.  For example, I see Mike Pence regarding a scare.   A female woman in power, will step down with throat issues.  Think Nancy Pelosi.   There will be issues in Washington with terrorist attacks regarding moving traffic and cars.

United States will be involved in a new war in the Middle East regarding Russia, Iraq/Syria, and those types of countries.

Major California fires in 2018.

As predicted in the 2017 predictions, Amazon will acquire Target and have a market place.

Vince Vaughan will have a TV show.

Technology will be purposed for boarder control without a wall, such as unique fence with electricity, such as an invisible barrier.

Trump will attempt to end Obama care and still be met with struggles.

Mitch McConnell will step down from a scandal.

Land will sink.   Expect to hear news of sinking holes or huge sink holes.

There will be stability issues regarding a major DAM.

The Trump Impeachment will be in 2019 as discussed in other predictions on my website.

Pot will be at a standstill for 2018 on becoming legal. I see regulations and tons of legal red tape.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be expecting within a year. (I predicted their engagement and her leaving suits in the 2017 predictions)

There will be a major death in the British Royal Family.

Angelina Jolie will have issues with her health, I see news on an eating disorder, and also drug's involving needles.  There will be a drug announcement making headlines.

Jennifer Anniston will have baby news, she may even adopt.

Brad Pitt will be in a serious relationship and eventually engaged.

Jennifer Lawrence will settle down into a long term relationship and eventually have kids.

Tony Robbins will have another film, or movie. I see him at the very least as an executive producer.

Johnny Depp will continue to spiral. I see numerous girlfriends and a sense of him finding his place. He needs to downsize his finances.

OJ Simpson Parole Prediction

Under my 2016-2017 predictions I began to channel information on the OJ Simpson trial and Nicole Brown Simpson murder. That's evident by the next paragraph of details of the murder and also details of the OJ Simpson Bronco chase. I interpreted this information as OJ was going to make the media headlines again and get paroled. This posted before any media attention or discussion was made. 

"When I tune in to celeb related stuff, a light skinned actress with dark brown or black hair will be murdered or have a major suicide, I see an image of a throat slit. (This was an original entry in my 2016-2017 predictions, immediately followed by the new "OJ Mania" paragraph). This information was obviously related to the Nicole Brown Simpson murder.

I also see the energy for another type of OJ Simpson type of chase. A celebrity will catch the spotlight for a huge police chase. This will be fueled by Black Lives Matter. With a mindset of, I'm running, because the police are corrupt. That will be the narrative.  We will see our generations version of the OJ Simpson trial. I strongly believe I was seeing OJ's Parole. I kept seeing OJ Simpson, the bronco, media attention. What I'm actually seeing is "OJ Mania" reemerging in the news and he will get paroled."

President Trump Published July 9th 2017

Politically I consider myself to be very neutral. I believe strongly that politics is something that divides instead of unites.  I'm definitely a spiritual focused person in my mindset and views. With that being said, I do not have any political allegiance, I'm not here to promote any political stance or party.  Rather, unbiased, I will provide what I'm seeing.  I was actually guided to write this post earlier today.  I'm in the Eastern Time Zone, it's currently 11:06 PM here, I was guided to do this task before bed. This is blog purely about where I see Donald Trump headed.

The first image that I see is the image of tanks and North Korea. We will definitely attack North Korea on the world stage. The tanks appear to be North Korean in nature.  While expect some kind of invasion or bombing with China involved. The end result will be the North Korean leader dethroned, destabilized, or worse. I see a type of surrender on the world stage, at the very least, the pressure will be added to North Korea. You may read my previous post titled The Future of North Korea and The Future of Our Country (Our Next War).   The Trump term is going to be filled with "War Energy" this is something I discussed before the election under After the Election and our future dealings with Russia under Trump, Clinton, and Presidency.  You can also see where our country is headed on Abortion, Healthcare and Immigration. 

Our involvement with Russia is far from over.  Any kind of mutual agreement or friendship is an illusion and the reality will be revealed within the next year.  I have predicted a Trump impeachment or resignation. I see this being within year three.  I see the major issues that will lead to the impeachment in year two, specifically around August, so essentially by the late third quarter of the year.  Currently, what I'm seeing is Trump's own party is agaisn't him. These are powerful people in the Senate and Congress.  What everyone is waiting on is a legitimate smoking gun.  My concern with any involvement with Russia is that this is more to do with the people that Trump has hired in key positions.  He has limited information and does this for his own protection. His true inner circle is obviously his family.  There will be a major revelation next year in the third quarter, such as August that will gain major attention and lead to the impeachment or resignation. There will be an investigation, a public meeting of Congress, and etc.  My 2015 predictions stated there will be a major allegation that an election would be fixed and I also discussed Russia's war energy picking up. 

President Trump will also announce a major road way, express way, high way project that will have his name attached. This will be a road that goes from the East Coast to the West Coast. I also see energy for international mining rights that is going to make the news.  He's also going to appoint a blond headed female to a major role in the near future, this will be an appointment or replacement of a current position. 

He will have a waive of new legislation.   I also see early 2018 having a waive of optimism, with things looking promising, then suddenly, reality is going to set in. There will be a major attack or bombing out of no where during that time.  Think of it like this, the energetic shit is going to hit the fan in a big way. Back to this good time period, there will be major factory announcements, companies will start to come back. I don't see an impeachment in 2018. But again, 2019, the third time is the troubling year. The energy for that year is very red, which I'm not an astrologist, but I think of that as the Aries War energy, the fire energy. That is the energy of Mother Russia. As previously predicted there will be a Russia and United States dispute over Iraq/Middle East/Oil. China will interfere third party during the middle conflict. I also view Russia as believing they have something on us, or over us, with the Russia hacking.  This is something I even discussed and predicted before the connection was even made. I always saw Wiki-Leaks connected to the Trump campaign. 

Something I discussed in my 2017 predictions, but CNN is going to have a major change and changing of hands. That network is going to be revamped, rebooted, and could be even sold! Also expect a new Fox News type of network to emerge. This will be a brand new political network that is going to take stage in 2018.    After the impeachment or resignation, I see Mike Pence being like the President Ford of his time. His energy is very brief. He will not be reelected.  A Democratic President is next in line.  I see African American energy and female energy too. Expect a very diverse ticket in the future. No matter who won the 2017 election, I was seeing an impeachment or resignation, this is what I would define as a set event. March 2018 also stands out as a very important time frame.  

The catalyst for the investigation is going to be financial based, specifically investments involving countries, corporations, and so on. I see a group of 4 men.  One of the men is light skinned in his late 60's or 70's, with short receding gray or white hair, he's wearing a suit, and very thin.  He is politically associated with President Trump.  There will be allegations based upon Trump's prior and current investment.  Expect to hear about huge conflicts of interest.  This will be in several situations including prior investments, but also what his administration is doing for Corporations. This also more in line with what the people are doing who's working for him in The White House.  His approach is very hands off, essentially do what you have to do, but don't tell me. He's not a mastermind that is pulling the strings, but rather he's connected to politically some bad people in his circle.



June 2017 Prediction Confirmations

Highlights of 2014-2015 Predictions

Predictions for Late 2016-Early 2017

2015 Predictions Recap

2017 Predictions

The Future of North Korea

The month of June has been very eventful and full of tragedies. The purpose of this blog is to recap and document predictions that have occurred. Examples of the source or where to find the original content can be found by clicking the above blue hyperlinks, each prediction that is being cited will have a reference of (2016) or (2017) for example.

  • There will be a future scare involving a major Tennis match and a shooter, I see someone with a pistol. At the very least, you will see a shooting at a major sporting event. (A member of Congress was shot at softball practice for the annual Congressional game. This was the shooting at a major sports event) (2017 Predictions)

  • Golden State Warriors are NBA Champions (Under 2016-2017 Predictions)

  • Amazon bought Wholesale Foods (2017)

  • An area such as Miami, a coastal region will experience an exodus of refugees. (Trump was just in Miami and is undoing major Cuba agreements) (2017)

UK Terrorist Attacks, United States, France, 2017

  • This was posted on April 17th. Within 3-4 weeks of this post, a spree of terrorist attacks occurred throughout all of the countries that I mentioned, including the United States

  • (Within 2-3 weeks, I'm seeing another bombing or terrorist attack with Middle East connections. You will see another terrorist attack or strike in America on the Northern East Coast by Summer. This could be at the very least similar to previous attacks, rather than a 9-11 type of event. Think what has occurred over the past several years. I see a wave of energy where France will also be attacked. I see at least 29-30+ people murdered in a terrorist event. I see traffic, buses, and so on. There is also London/UK energy) (North Korea and Future Terrorist Attack Blog)

  • The United States just suffered a Congressman being shot. Source

  • There was attacks in the UK, United States, France, all beginning 3 weeks from April 17th as stated.

These predictions were listed next to each other on the blog and occurred at the same time

London Terrorist Attack Prediction

I take no great comfort in predictions like this.  On April 17th I made several predictions under the blog titled The Future of North Korea.

The UK 2017

I predicted, "Within 2-3 weeks, I'm seeing another bombing or terrorist attack with Middle East connections.  You will see another terrorist attack or strike in America on the Northern East Coast by Summer. This could be at the very least similar to previous attacks, rather than a 9-11 type of event. Think what has occurred over the past several years.  I see a wave of energy where France will also be attacked. I see at least 29-30+ people murdered in a terrorist event. I see traffic, buses, and so on. There is also London/UK energy

A little over 3 weeks the Manchester UK terrorist attack occurred.  This matches the prediction based upon the location being in the UK, and the volume of those murdered. The outside of the concert had traffic, buses, and pure chaos. This was a horrible event in the UK.     

From my point of view as a Psychic Medium, when I attempt to make a connection and look at future events, the energy of something such as a massive attack easily appears. When doing the prediction, I heard 30+ people/London/Near 3+ weeks.  I also see energy as the prediction stated for an event in America by Summer and another in France. These are all for the short-term future which is 2017, and possibility 2018.

The June 3rd 2017 Terrorist Attack

This attack closely matches what I was seeing with the cars, traffic, and etc.  London Bridge Terrorist Attack June 3rd 2017. The conclusion is I was seeing a combination of attacks in the UK.  The first piece of evidence that I saw was the death toll being 30+, that matches the Manchester attack.  The second piece of evidence is more relevant on the second attack with the cars, buses, and so on.

July 6th Notre Dame Attack Paris France

Under 2015 Predictions I said, "A famous building with ties to Italy, and/or Europe is going to be destroyed or vandalized. I see this being some type of clock tower or bell tower, near a church.  "

I also predicted in the article titled  The Future of North Korea. "I see a wave of energy where France will also be attacked." "

June 15th 2017

GOP House Whip Steve Scalise remains in critical condition after shooting at baseball practice.  

Original predictions included in 2017 Predictions stated, "I see a shooting at a major sports event."  Followed by the North Korea Predictions predicting a wave of terroist activity involving the UK, London, and a United States attack by Summer. I predicted this all would begin 3 weeks from April 17th. The events around a week after that timeline.


The below original post on Terrorism attacks was one paragraph. The post has been broken down in sentence form to site the sources for reference to validate the predictions. 

Terrorist related,  KY stands out, around the Fort Knox area.  

TN stands out, such as Nashville.

At the very least, an area with Fort in the name or an F initial. 

Riots and Terrorism,  I look at SC, FL, GA, MA as potential spots. Expect renewed threats during the Boston Marathon.


I see information on a California Mall.   I see information on Seattle, and boats. 

Interesting: The mall shooting occurred in Washington two days after I posted the predictions. In the original post I had all of the terrorist activity posted in one paragraph.  Next to the California Mall sentence, I wrote, I see information on Seattle, and boats.  The boats could have been a reference to show Seattle Washington.  The shooting occurred at a Washington Mall.

The Future of North Korea and Terrorist Attack Predictions 2017

For a mere several moments I contemplated having the title of this blog, I mean article, as The Future of North Korea by JCM. I may legally change my name to JCM, so I can be like Prince or Bono. One of these iconic names.  Back to the word blog, just the mere mention makes me think of "blaaah-ooooh." Just not very appealing. I absolutely prefer article.  This helps in channeling my inner 1920's-1950's inner reporter. All I need are legions of newspaper boys on every corner saying, "Extra, Extra, read all about it." The latest from JCM, Justy-Damous.  See what I did there? Now I'm attempting to be hip. Thankfully, I'm an age or two out of the range of being a millennial, I'm apart of Generation-X. Now that's hip!

So, I can only imagine that you're reading this article for the 411 on North Korea, not to read about my musings, and witty catch phrases like I'm Chevy Chase channeling Fletch.  When I look at North Korea in a "psychic sense".  I really see North Korea as being isolated. They are lacking in several fronts including finances, alliances, and capable means. I'm shown that other countries will team up, surround them and essentially push North Korea out of power. I do feel strongly in the short-term future, which is anywhere from 2017-2020, North Korea will have a chance of power, and a destabilization. They will crumble on a trade front, international support front, and a military front. I do not see North Korea as a world power. 

The countries that keep me up at night are Russia, China, and Iran.  Essentially, our next big war is going to be fought in the Middle East. But remember this, the world has greatly changed in the aspects of how wars are fought.  Gone are the days of troves of military troops being dropped in locations for great battles.  Wars now are fought by missile launches, cyber hacking, trade manipulation.  China will not open and immediately be our enemy. Think of China as being patient, wanting to do deals, and waiting for the right moment to strike.  While Russia is way more aggressive. I view Russia as great protectors of the Middle East, this is all about oil. China would turn on us when they see the right opening and the right moment. Our conflict with Russia will be more immediate, and happen before any conflict with China. Think of the conflict first occurring as military maneuvers, statements, and political games. Keep in mind that the nature of War has evolved in the 21st century. This conflict will not be cut and dry or like conflicts in the past. This will have many layers and play out over time.  

I strongly expect the North Korea conflict to be handled very quickly, with the help of more than one country, think China, or South Korea.  I really view North Korea's leader being overthrown and destabilization occurring to their leadership. They will have a new rule and change.  This is not the great war that I've discussed in the article titled "Our Next War.

You can strongly expect to see other countries teaming up to destabilize North Korea. This will be handled in the present and near future. I really see the energy around 2017 as being the prime year to deal with North Korea. There will be a conflict, stand off, and destabilization.  A shift will occur back to the Middle East. President Trump has this "war energy" that I've discussed. He cannot help himself and badly wants to be at war. His entire term will be riddled with this type of energy. This will also limit what he can do for our country on his domestic policies. He will spend his focus and energy in international conflicts. Again, Russia and the Middle East keeps me up at night!   The 29th stands out to me in general, this could be April 29th, but more than likely August 29th-September.  I strongly see a scenario with America's energy being all over the place.  There will be a focus on North Korea, than back to the Middle East, then back to a focus on domestic healthcare, immigration, and so on. The Trump administration is going to be all over the place. I don't see in energy or information a situation where from now until September is solely North Korea, there will be shifts, highs, and lows.

Within 2-3 weeks, I'm seeing another bombing/attack with Middle East connections.  You will see another terrorist attack or strike in America on the Northern East Coast by Summer. This could be at the very least similar to previous attacks, rather than a 9-11 type of event. Think what has occurred over the past several years.  I see a wave of energy where France will also be attacked. I see at least 29-30+ people murdered in a terrorist event. I see traffic, buses, and so on. There is also London/UK energy coming through. 

The Future of our Country (Including our next War)

Please review the following articles for prior year predictions and insight into future world events.


Highlights of 2014-2015 Predictions

Predictions for Late 2016-Early 2017

2015 Predictions Recap

Where Our Country is Headed on Major Issues

Future of Transportation

Future of Television

Predictions on Healthcare and Internet Regulations

After the Election

Trump, Clinton and the Presidency

The Future of our Country

by Justin Chase Mullins

I was guided to write this blog.  For the past several years, I've written several blogs entailing various predictions.  The only issue with this is, I have what I feel is amazing information, but the information is assorted throughout in various blogs throughout my website.  Let's face it, people have a low attention span. Not everyone is going to channel their inner Indiana Jones and explorer all of my articles or blogs, whatever term you want to use.   I'm more comfortable in using the term "article", instead of the millennial term "blog".  From this point on, I will reference my blog as "article".  The goal of this article,  "yeah that feels better already", is to reference previous predictions in the political realm, and I will also reference various world or culture predictions that I made from previous years. This will be your ultimate reference guide to previous political predictions and several world predictions. I highly recommend looking at all of my predictions, especially from 2016-2017, not everything is included in this article.  I want to also reference that all of these predictions were made before Trump took office.

To answer the big question. I do see our country in a conflict in the Middle East, we are going to be at odds with Russia.  I see China not having our best interests in mind, but this will not be obvious. They will even start off as ally's, while doing their own backdoor deals or dealings.   I don't see North Korea being an equal super power. The biggest thing is to defuse their weapons and get their leader out of power. If the leader is out of power, North Korea will destabilize. Expect to see so much of the fighting or conflict occurring in the Middle East.  Depending on our actions, we may face another Pearl Harbor or 9-11 in our country, and even worse.  Our country is in need of a true diplomat. Trump has major "War energy". Putin is all about "show of force, being a man, standing his ground and so on." He will never drop the illusion of being strong.  So Putin, may publicly show force, while not wanting war. This depends on our actions. If we hurt his image, than he has no choice. This entire situation is very delicate.  Iran has to also be defused and cannot be allowed to develop nuclear technology. The aspect of United States being the aggressor will hurt our stock's, destabilize our diplomatic relations, and harm how the rest of the world views America.  

This is troubling times in our country, that I saw coming.  Several years ago on Facebook, I was discussing that I saw a republican president. I was hoping for Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, or someone similar. When I focused on Donald Trump, I saw massive war, explosions, mushroom clouds, , and nuclear conflict. Like everyone, I followed the media. I changed my prediction to Hillary Clinton. In one aspect, I was hoping that Clinton would be elected, based upon the dangers that I saw around Trump. I felt this "war energy" since 2015, and saw his election as a major threat to our country. Many mainstream psychics predicted Hillary Clinton as President. The aspect of listening to the media may have clouded my judgement, or quite frankly, I may have been incorrect, which I was. Another aspect is I discussed Russia being tied to Wiki-Leaks. This was even before the election. Think of this, every time that Donald Trump was in hot-water, Wiki-Leaks came to the rescue. Also, they never attacked Trump .   Russia's goal was to destabilize our election, and country. I do feel strongly they will turn on Trump, with a "Trump leaks", linking his administration to Russia. Perhaps, Russia changed the outcome of the election? That is something to consider.  I believe in several things, that in life we have what's called a "freedom of will", where we can make specific smaller choices. While I believe in "divine intervention, and divine will." Essentially, events are predestined, part of destiny, set in stone, and so on.  The aspect of a President being impeached is set in stone. In my 2015 predictions, I stated an election would be rigged, and I even discussed Russia becoming more obsessed with war.  Perhaps, Russia changed the outcome of the election.Despite who was in office, I was seeing an impeachment. Donald Trump is not going to serve two-terms as President. I'm very confident on that.  I also strongly see a global conflict in the Middle East. The Democrats are very likely to roll out another female candidate such as Elizabeth Warren, or even Oprah.  The Democratic party will have a diverse candidate in the next election.  The Russia aspect in the Middle East are things that I have not only written about, but predicted before the election, including their connections to the Trump election. I also have predicted that California will succeed from the United States, this will lead to two other states eventually leaving the United States as well.

My 2016-2017 predictions said this, I've previously discussed a link to Russia, the Hacking, Wiki-Leaks and Trump.  Despite what one would assume from the outside that Trump and Russia will work great.  I do see problems developing within about 3 years from now.  There's a massive potential for a World War type of involvement. Where Russia and the United States would be more aggressive. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end.  There will also be more War in the Middle East in Israel. He will have massive change. It's going to be very tailored to what he wants. Expect to see massive building and construction too.   He will have a wave of his own executive orders. Trump will be signing a new trade agreement.  He will have a major healthcare plan that I've been discussing in another post."

On my birthday October 12th, I wrote an article stating, "While Trump's energy is connected to Hackers, Wikileaks, and Russia.  Although, Russia is going to become a severe problem. A Trump Presidency would lead to war with Russia. A Clinton Presidency will involve more shady dealings and she would keep prolong the War.  Surprisingly, Clinton becoming President would be a good thing.  She will be a historical disaster, but not cause the damage that Trump would as President. He would ignite War World 3, and we would lose the war. I see a scenario, where the United States would be divided in several regions to several different countries.  Currently, our military has been depleted, and our country is corrupt.  Trump has very big and large energy. He would take big chances. Lots of hits and misses.  His policies would anger essentially the "International New World Order". I clearly see Clinton able to avoid war, while Trump would jump-start our destruction as a nation.   I'm certainly not a fan of Hillary. Although, she is the lesser of the two very big evils.  We will see something similar to a International New World Order in our life time. Those steps are very apparent with the purposed International Trade deals.  Trump has President would lead to a war with Russia, with China as our enemy as well.  Russia would be the aggressor, and China very patient before striking. "

I wrote an article titled After the Election where I predicted, "A Trump victory will mean several things. He will have a plan of action. But the action will be very heavy, and very swift. I do foresee that our country would be in a World War within his first term, and our country would be attacked from another major country.  The two countries that would be agaisn't us are Russia and China.  This will result in a fight for the Middle East oil. Our country would go down a path of where we are divided into a separation of states.   I see various states dividing away. Or even other countries trying to take over those fractions, I see a division of three.  Our currency will change. Our economy will crash.   Trump has a fire energy and a war energy. That would spread throughout the world. He feels very aggressive and radical.  Translation:  Expect to see states succeed from the union. America will go from 50 states to at least 48, or even 47! One of the states will be California. "

In my 2017 predictions I said, ". I'm hearing the first 100 days. You will 100% see protests in Washington DC. I see women walking in arms. This will have a link to Gay-Rights or a Gay-Protest. This will be an attempt at a peaceful protest. Expect major news in 2017 over Gay-Rights involving a potential bill or bill change.  There will be protests also in San Francisco, and in Sanctuary cities.  I've previously discussed a link to Russia, the Hacking, Wiki-Leaks and Trump.  Despite what one would assume from the outside that Trump and Russia will work great.  I do see problems developing within about 3 years from now.  There's a massive potential for a World War type of involvement. Where Russia and the United States would be more aggressive. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end.  There will also be more War in the Middle East in Israel. He will have massive change. It's going to be very tailored to what he wants. Expect to see massive building and construction too.   He will have a wave of his own executive orders. Trump will be signing a new trade agreement.  He will have a major healthcare plan that I've been discussing in another post."

In the realm of politics, the 2017 predictions covered several major things. 

  • Bill O'reilly 2017 Scandal. He will eventually leave Fox News or lose his job. I saw a vacation as well. He will eventually focus only on writing and touring.
  • Glenn Beck letting go of an asset, this turned out to be "Tomi Lahren"
  • Greta Van Susteren joining MSNBC
  • You will 100% see protests in Washington DC. I see women walking in arms. This will have a link to Gay-Rights or a Gay-Protest. This will be an attempt at a peaceful protest. Expect major news in 2017 over Gay-Rights involving a potential bill or bill change.  There will be protests also in San Francisco, and in Sanctuary cities. It's going to be very tailored to what he wants. Expect to see massive building and construction too.   He will have a wave of his own executive orders. Trump will be signing a new trade agreement.  He will have a major healthcare plan that I've been discussing in another post.
  • Hillary Clinton writing a book
  • The 2017 predictions covers other things such as Prince Harry purposing to Megan Markle and Megan eventually leaving Suits.

The 2016-2017 Predictions covers several things including: 

  • Brad Pit and Jolie's divorce that I've discussed for several years
  • Terrorist attack, "At the very least, an area with Fort in the name or an F initial."  This turned out to be Fort Lauderdale. 
  • In the next year or two, expect to see an Academy Award for Best Actor or Best Actress  in a Transgender/Gay themed movie.  The Academy will be embracing more diversity. I also see an Asian best supporting actor. This will not be in 2017, but rather about two years. When I focus on the Academy awards I see Tom Hanks doing well, and Anna Kendrick.  Anna may be a presenter.  One of the nominees may have an A name such as Anna or similar frame and red hair.  I also see an African American nominee for best actor.   I see Justin Timberlake around the Academy Awards. He may be a future host!

    Correct: This year's nominee's has more diversity than ever in major categories. Timberlake is also preforming! The film Moonlight was based around a gay character. 

    Best Actress Emma Stone,  Anna=Emma, Red Hair

    Best Supporting Actor Mahershala Ali Moonlight, Casey Affleck

    A Names including Best Supporting Actor Mahershala Ali Moonlight, Casey Affleck

    Best Supporting Actor in a Gay Themed Movie: Mahershala Ali

    African American Nominee for best actor: Denzel Washington

    2/27/2017-The Slash was added next to Transgender to include Gay themed movie. This was part of what I was seeing, just not fully communicated or written. I fully expect a transgender best picture by the next two years.

  • Early 2017, expect to see a US Navy Ship attacked or we may even do the attacking. I see a Navy Ship, shots fired.   I hear shots fired across the boarder, expect to see ISIS trying to cross the boarder or firing shots from another countries boarder.     

  • I see a major protest or parade being stopped. We will see major police force, with such things as water hosing or brute force.  CORRECT:

    Correct: Native American Protests have received brute police force.

  • New information on the Making a Murderer case will be released and it will not be positive.  The evidence will be damning. This will not be in favor of the man in jail.

    New information on the Jon Benet Ramsey case will be released. This will be about lost evidence, evidence that was dismissed for example. Could even be DNA related. This will be in 2017. Someone else will even come forward.


  • Meghan Kelly will leave Fox News.  I see Meghan changing political parties, and becoming Liberal. I also see Meghan working for NBC "a network similar to NBC" and hosting an iconic television show. Think Katie Couric leaving the Today show as an example.


  • Cubs will be in the World Series by 2017.  I see dual championships 2017 and 2019 for example. The Cubs will be multi-champions by 2020. 

  • Patriots Super Bowl 

  • Matt Ryan in his career will have at least one All-Pro season where he's an elite passer. I also see Ryan eventually in one Super Bowl, but that will be a fluke, and the Falcons will struggle to be a great team year to year.   


Many of these highlights are examples of predictions for the past several years. I am going to end this articles with referencing and showing two articles in it's entirety that are eerily occurring in real time.  

2015 Predictions

  • Jennifer Lawrence dating an older man and settling down in a relationship
  • Jennifer Aniston wedding
  • Brad Pitt and Jolie marriage problems
  • I see an image of a plane going down in water.  This tells me that there will be another plane crash similar to Malaysia, or actually the Malaysia flight will be found. Correct: There is another flight similar to Malaysia disaster, with a co-pilot alleged crashing the plane into a snowy mountain,  not in water, but snow. 
  • For Major League baseball teams with blue uniforms will have a good year. I see lots of blues.  Expect a big year, as shocking as this sounds from the New York Mets. I saw them in the World Series. But even I am skeptical of that! Correct: The New York Mets were in the World Series
    I see the Denver Bronco's making headlines in 2015.  When I focus on the NFL I see lots of orange.  I also see an image of the Seahawks. Correct: The Denver Bronco's were the  Super Bowl Champions during the 2015 season.



  • When I focus on the Aaron Hernandez trial. I see the image of a pistol and I also hear a female testimony on what she saw. Correct: Hernandez fiancee testifies seeing gun similar to alleged murder.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger I am hearing will be apart of a TV mini series.   Correct: He took over for Trump as the host of the Apprentice. 
  • Big year for Dinosaurs. Expect the Jurassic Park sequel to do well. Correct: Jurassic Park set box office records.
  • I see an image of policeman. There is going to be more issues with cops, I see a riot shield. Expect another riot this year.

Correct: Very correct. 2015-2016 were horrific for police protests and shootings.

  • I see an image that I don't understand but I am going to write it. This looks like a railway or subcar, I see an image of this railway car looking like it's been submerged, I see this being pulled out of the water. The wreckage will have to manually be removed. Correct:

2014-2015 Predictions Recap

  • I picked up on several things in 2014. I saw suicide around Jim Carrey, a famous comedian committing suicide. Two things occurred. Robin Williams committed suicide. Jim Carrey's ex girlfriend committed suicide and Carrey is now being sued.
  • I predicted Bill Cosby going to trial.
  • Texas Boarders and immigration
  • Jimmy Hoffa's case resurfacing
  • Giants World Series
  • Lebron returning to Cavs
  • Yankee legend death and patches on uniform (Yogi Berra)
  • Brad Pitt marriage problems
  • Jennifer Anistons marriage in 2015
  • Allegations at Elections being fixed
  • Yankees baseball decline
  • I see an image of the Constitution.There will be a change to an Amendment in 2015. (Gay Marriage was the change)
  • Robert Downey Jr doing Avengers only projects
  • More Back trouble for Tiger
  • Golden State Warriors surge
  • Arnold doing TV
  • Russia being aggressive with other countries
  • Obama restricting a trade embargo (turned out be Cuba)
  • Mass recall on a frozen dinner
  • The Rock suffering another injury
  • Oak Island and the vault special
  • 2015 being Peyton Mannings final year
  • A major plane crash dominating headlines in 2014. "Malaysia Flight"
  • A big year for Matthew Mcconaughey. "True Detective, Academy Award"
  • A blond Hollywood star or starlet passing away of tragic circumstances. "Paul Walker"
  • The paranormal shows including GAC and Ghost Hunters would be on the decline. "Nick Groff Left GAC, Adam Berry and Amy Bruni left Ghost hunters." The paranormal will continue to decline in the future. Ghost Hunters was finally cancelled by 2016.


The government will continue to regulate all aspects of our life.  The plan for Obamacare has always been to fail.  I am seeing a future of having a single insurance company, essentially, the government will provide healthcare and regulate healthcare.  

We are also going to see strict regulation when it comes to the Internet.  The Internet will eventually be taxed like a Utility, such as electricity and treated like a Utility with more restrictions and regulations.  By subscribing/purchasing the Internet Utility, the Government will have in the terms and conditions that they reserve the right to monitor our usage.  I am seeing more regulation and security around phone calls, emails and etc.  Essentially, the Government will directly make it known they have the right to monitor and observe our phone calls.  Think the Patriot Act, think the Snowden controversy. 

I wrote in a previous blog that we will be forced to eventually have the computerized machine driving. I see that happening by 2020 in phases.  The first phase will be mandatory for people that have DUI's, of a certain age "young and old". The second phase will be that insurances will have penalties "eventually not even cover people that drive themselves". The criteria to drive a car will become very strict, we will see a yearly fee to drive a car, and lawsuits occurring from accidents where people are actually driving. 

I am also seeing a one Government banking system. The other banks will negotiate deals or eventually become absorbed into one bank. I also see our currency changing where cash is banned, and everything is electronic. The mindset will be again...more regulation!

Check out my other blogs to review the future of Government Regulations. The future President will have quick action when it comes to Guns, Abortions, Healthcare, and all aspects of how we live our life.  Individual freedoms will be restricted and everything we do will continue to become regulated. 


Where our country is headed on such issues as Abortion, Gun Control, Immigration and Censorship 2016-2020.

Original post: 8/20/2015

by: Justin Chase Mullins

When the next candidate secures office in the 2016 election. Expect the Planned Parenthood scandal to be addressed.   I feel strongly our country will make modifications to abortion in America.  Abortion for the most part will become illegal in the future. When I focus on abortion, I hear "changes". Expect to see modifications to how abortions are done, the rules, and regulations. There will be restrictions to how women visit the Doctor and the process itself.  I see more government regulation around the entire process.  At the very least, those who are requesting an abortion will have to go through a Government approval process involving Doctors, insurances, and paperwork.   

In regards to medical insurance. I see healthcare laws being tightened. Expect to see the government offer their own kind of insurance. The government itself will become an insurance company or regulate one specific insurance company for healthcare for the government regulated healthcare (Obamacare). We will not see a marketplace of many different providers.

Gun restrictions are on the way. We will see trade show restrictions, and how guns are sold during trade shows. Expect to see stronger background checks. I see an image of a black pistol. Certain types of guns, such as AR's for example that can fire more than one shot will be regulated.  The government will eventually even mandate what types of handguns can be owned.     

I am told this is going to equate to greater control over Immigration, and even the security of foreigners traveling to our countries from specific countries. Expect to see a ban or an increase in security on foreigners traveling from certain countries as Pakistan for example. The next leader will address immigration in such a way that we have never seen before.  This will not just be towards the Hispanic illegals. 

I feel like we are going to see a media restriction on what we can watch and how our information is shared.  The government will continue to regulate television, the internet, and other forms of media outlets.  We are shifting as a nation to greater security. All of these predictions will be seen by 2020.  We will become so focused on security, that the difficulty of getting into our countries will greatly be increased to a level of paranoia.   The next administration is going to be very critical for our lives with more restrictions and control than we can imagine.  

Expect to see modifications to the freedom of speech, and what the press can print. The Newspapers will have a new standard for what can be printed.  

Insurance will be forced. Governments will know about health conditions, mandate that certain medications are taken, and paid for.  They will require health surveys to be filled and etc.

Jack the Ripper

The Jack the Ripper case has been one of my favorite cases. I do have limited knowledge of the case from movies and other forms of media. By no means, am I some sort of expert or historian on the matter.  This case is difficult to "read" on the basis of the popularity and what our society knows. I was unable to make a direct connection to the killer via mediumship. The killer would not come forward. I was able through my psychic ability to connect to the case itself, rather than "Jack the Ripper", if that makes sense. I also connected with the first victim Mary Ann Nichols. I strongly feel the murders are connected to her.

Once I make a connection to the "real" Jack the Ripper case, I start seeing lots of different information. The first thing that I see is a man with darker hair, the hair is combed, and shorter. I see a full mustache, I also see a man who is very well dressed in a suit. I also see this man being married, there's a connection to a little girl. I see information on a home life or more of a refined life. He lived in the city.  I also see that he went out and lived a double life.  He lived in some sort of town house, with at least two levels, and a basement.  I see syphilis, I see drinking, I see an affair and prostitutes. There was a fear of a pregnancy coming out. With a fear of others finding out. Lots of tobacco around him. He was living a double life, a married one, while going out. I see a connection to books, teaching,  wore glasses at least to read, began losing hair on the top of his head in life, the hair was thinning, nut not by allot when he committed the murders, I see a Mustache, looks to be in his mid 30's or very early 40's. Not a young man, but not by any means old. Got into trouble. Connection to gambling, knew the first prostitute that was killed, all of the murders were about her, to silence everyone.  He was violent before. They were in a relationship, or at least he considered that.  Heavy drinker.  I see shouting, a fight, hands around her neck,  I hear the words, you whore, you slept with him,  you're mine, connection to paper or money slipped in dress, stuck it in her dress, killed her, beat her, bloody, then stabbed.  I see a punch to the face. 

I see another man that liked to watch others have sex, he appears lurking in the shadows, I see him being clean shaven.  He has a connection to the docks, boats, fishing, body of water, he's also walks with a limp. I'm unsure if he had these afflictions during the murders, but he did later in life, he suffered a stroke.  This stroke caused an impairment with one arm, especially in the hand area, and issues with one eye.  The stroke may have occurred later in life. I see this man with a knife that is curved.  This man had issues with money. He was not a ladies man. He also talked a little bit funny, there's a sense around him that he had a handicap mentally as well. He's not right in the head. He suffers from sexual performance issues. Spent time in an asylum. Also may have suffered from syphilis as well. He appears in his 40's or 50's, he's not a young man in age.  He worked on the docks. He had facial stubble, not a beard. He has white hair around his ears, with darker hair that may even appear a little lighter depending on how the sun hits it. I see workman pants, and a pea-coat. He also gutted fish, and really big fish at that. He would spend time out at sea. He lurks out of the bars and in the shadows. He has a violent temper, prone to cussing, a very violent man who was very jealous. He was a pervert. 

The scenario that I keep seeing is the first suspect that I mentioned, the married man visited the first victim. They had a relationship of some sorts, there was a fight, and at the very least some kind of violence.  The second suspect watched and observed. I do not see all of the murders being committed by one person. There was actually a combination of killers, committing a combination of murders. I'm unsure if suspect 1, hired suspect 2, or if suspect 2 observed suspect 1 committing the murders.  This case is truly remarkable.  The most important thing that I keep hearing is victim number 1 is the most important, it all starts with her.  The rest of the victims were killed to cover the killers tracks. This is someone that victim 1 spoke of, and they all knew that she saw. There was knowledge of a prior relationship.  I strongly believe that suspect 1 wanted to cover his tracks to protect his name, and his double life. I'm unsure if suspect 2 observed the killings or if he was contracted for hire.  Suspect 2 was also very violent, insanely violent, jealous, and not right mentally. Suspect 1 was very jealous when he drank, quick temper, and violent towards women.   At the very least, I hope that providing this information will help someone put together the pieces to this puzzle. 

I'm attempting to connect to the first victim Mary Ann Nichols.  She immediately tells me several things, she references a cross connected to the grave, a possible tombstone. She also tells me in the 20th century and later on things were done for her grave in commemoration and out of memory. She also tells me, the kids do ghost tours around her graves, there's ghost walks, and people visit with her. She also says, things are left at her grave by strangers paying respects and items. She's very grateful for all of that.  She says, I was a good person, I tried to take care of the girls. I was like a Mother to them. They became my family.  She's showing me a necklace, and an image of her when she was younger. She says, I used to be a very good woman then. I tried to be a good woman when I became older.  I trusted the wrong people. I got hurt. I dealt with some very abusive men. I was hungry. I wanted a loaf of bread. I hang around the bar and had drinks.  There was a much younger fellow, that had taken a liking to me, I was his dirty secret.   I see her smiling with missing teeth.  She says, I gave him a good ranglin.  He was embarrassed at what would come out. Embarrassed at who I would tell about our affair. I was not the sort of woman that was taken in certain circles. He was very paranoid and cut my throat.  He also killed at least two of the girls. He was very paranoid. He also assaulted a man that was very near and dear to us. 

The man he assaulted, I see having a full beard, black coat, and very protective.   The man that killed her was wearing a brown coat, mustache, brown hair, short and combed. He was a teacher or professional even. He also had a sense of religion around him. He dabbled in drugs, drinking that made him crazy.  He had another personality.  I see an image of a boat, boat docks, water. He appears about 20 years younger than her,  perhaps minus a few years. I also see a gap in the murders. Such as he killer her, than killed victim 3.  There's a gap in the murder pattern. I see suspect 2 committing murders 2, 4, and 5.  This may be out of order in who committed what murders. This is an example.

So in conclusion, I strongly believe there was two murderers.    Suspect 1 is more likely to write the letters, because of his education status. I see him in a room, with a wooden desk that is elevated and smaller, this smaller desk can rise, move up and down in the angles. I see this man wearing thin glasses, writing, and sending the letters in.  The glasses are used for writing, but not in his every day life. Suspect 2, seems like he could barely read, because of his IQ levels and mental insanity, he would not be able to make much sense.  I do feel strongly that Suspect 2 witnessed the original murder, was aroused by the violence and committed several of the following murders. Suspect 1 returned to murder one of the girls that was best friends with the first victim. He was very paranoid. Suspect 2, also gutted fish, had fisherman knives, and has connections to the docks. 

The Appalachian Mediums 2017 Predictions

The Appalachian Mediums 2017 Predictions

Johnny Depp
I am seeing Johnny having cancer or being associated with a cancer cause. This is associated to a female relative of his who's suffered through cancer. He's going through a personal period in his life to where he's challenged.  This will not be a career focused time in Johnny's life.  But rather, I see a purge of where he's selling assets or reducing some of his houses. This will be do to financial concerns and a financial purge. I see a connection between Depp and electric cars. He will become more environmental friendly.  His status as a major box office draw is going to begin to dwindle. I also see Depp becoming even more of a recluse. He will enter a period to where he goes into hiding or exits the spotlight. I would not be surprised if he takes several years off from acting in the future. Expect to see a few years out of the spotlight, he will focus on music. He will also spend time in a type of facility for emotional, and substance abuse.



George Clooney

I see an accident involving skiing or water skiing. I see George giving a thumbs up. He will be on a talk show, think Jimmy Fallon, telling a story and joking about the incident. I see an image of George surrounded by two models. Expect to hear rumors about another woman or a connection to another model.  The energy around Clooney's marriage or whatever romantic situation that he's in is about 4-5 years. This will end in divorce.

Brad Pitt

I see a direct connection between Pitt and being a father. He loves the marriage life. Despite the problems with Jolie, there will be rumors of them spending time together for the kids.  Pitt will marry someone else fast. He does like the marriage life or the idea of the marriage life. Although, I do not see him settled or with one woman.  Pitt is going to roam around the movie world with more period-films/artsy type of films that are tailored made towards the award shows. He will do perhaps 2 films per year. But he loves his downtime.

Angelina Jolie

I touched upon this in the late 2016-early 2017 predictions. She will be linked to a lesbian relationship. I see a connection of where she's dating both men and women. She will play the field for several years.  I do not see a return to form with her being a box office draw. She will try her hand at directing and do more of that. Correct:

Ben Affleck

When I focus on Ben, I see him lifting weights. Expect to see a connection briefly to performance enhancing drugs or a cosmetic procedure in the future.  He will start to do work on his body. You will see more tattoos.  Expect to also see a connection a future project with Matt Damon.   Damon will eventually direct a film too. Although the film may not be with Affleck.   Jennifer Garner will have another child in 2017. While Affleck will make some more news as being separated or living a few months by himself. Expect back and forth between this couple.  


Ryan Reynolds

There will be an announcement/rumors during late Spring or Early summer about infidelity. Also, he will have a child with Blake Lively. She will have a connection to Dancing with the Stars or a Dancing Film.  Ryan may have a similar connection to a similar themed film.  She will be involved in a remake of a dancing type of film.

Anthony Hopkins

I see Hopkins attached to a film involving snow.  I also see a possible daughter or female relative of his becoming married. He will give someone away.

Footloose the Musical or Stage Production will be a thing.  Think of the live TV specials that have been airing on major television networks for example.  Correct:

Expect to hear rumors of George Michael having a illegitimate child from years ago. A male will come forward claiming to be his son. These rumors may actually be false.

Steve Martin will eventually win a major music award or be associated with an award show. Could even be a future host. 

Jimmy Fallon feels out of control. Expect to see more rumors of excessive partying.  He will not have anyone to stand up to him or stop his wilder behavior.   I see his wife/family being separate from his partying. His wife is living almost a separate life with raising the family, while he's behaving separate. They will have marriage problems. This may take several years to unfold. But he will be on the cover of tabloids by the summer.  Correct:

I see Jennifer Lopez's energy being all over the place. What I mean by that is, I see several high profile relationships at least 3 in the next year or two. She will be doing modeling, music, television, acting, and even a host or guest host on a TV show. She's going through a phase of exploration, reinvention and self-discovery.


There will be a bill on water usage or more focused on regulating water usage. I also hear something called the "Clean Water Bill".  

Clean Water Bill revoked:


Meghan Kelley.  

I predicted that she would leave Fox News for NBC in 2017.  She badly wants to be a Kelly Ripa type of celebrity with more of a daytime type of format.  She is not as connected to politics as she previously was. I see that as a stepping stone. She will have a politic involvement because that's what brought her to do the dance.  But I don't see her Day Time transition being great.

Ted Cruz

I touched upon this in the early 2017 predictions.  He will have an involvement to construction, and some kind of land deal or new construction in Texas that will make headlines. I hear the word "center".  

Glenn Beck

I see a child of his having an engagement or an announcement of a child.  I see a new business venture around Beck. Another book that will be a best seller. I also hear something called "Mercury Music".  I hear proud father, I see an attachment to him and a female that is similar to a daughter or daughter-in-law.  

It's quite possible to see a reduction of an asset or something he's connected with.     Correct: Tomi Lauren fired:

Beck will also do a mini-series with CNN.  He will do specials on television. I see Beck more connected to working with CNN or MSNBC, NBC, instead of Fox News. He will be working on a television project, this is will be a type of political or religious mini-series.  I previously touched upon health concerns in earlier predictions. But he appears now to be in better health. Hopefully that prediction has passed and will not happen!  Added Information 2/7/2017.  I also see Beck as very upset and discontent with the Conservative party.  I view him as a type of free agent. He has the agenda of forming a new political party and also having another candidate in his corner.

Bill O'Reilly

I am seeing him attached to a scandal that is unfavorable to his character and that will linger throughout 2017. I would not be shocked if he steps down from the show or has a type of hiatus. He's going through a transition period in his life where he will have a type of retirement from his current show format. I see more traveling, books, speaking engagements. The speaking engagements will be huge for him. I see a type of tour.

CNN: I am seeing information on a type of split or merger from their parent corporate company. That will make headlines. 

Trump Administration

I've touched on several predictions. Review the links at the start of the article to review all that I've discussed previously. I'm hearing the first 100 days. You will 100% see protests in Washington DC. I see women walking in arms. This will have a link to Gay-Rights or a Gay-Protest. This will be an attempt at a peaceful protest. Expect major news in 2017 over Gay-Rights involving a potential bill or bill change.  There will be protests also in San Francisco, and in Sanctuary cities.  I've previously discussed a link to Russia, the Hacking, Wiki-Leaks and Trump.  Despite what one would assume from the outside that Trump and Russia will work great.  I do see problems developing within about 3 years from now.  There's a massive potential for a World War type of involvement. Where Russia and the United States would be more aggressive. China is very passive, but watching. They would be pulling the proverbial strings from behind closed doors by manipulating the market. China would step in near the end.  There will also be more War in the Middle East in Israel. He will have massive change. It's going to be very tailored to what he wants. Expect to see massive building and construction too.   He will have a wave of his own executive orders. Trump will be signing a new trade agreement.  He will have a major healthcare plan that I've been discussing in another post.

I'm seeing information on a government regulated gun, or an official recommended gun for people to have. As crazy as this sounds, we will see a government gun program for an official fire arm.

He will also start to work on the major highways. I see a massive highway project from the East Coast to the West Coast.   I've discussed this in another post. But California will secede from the United States and be followed by at least three states in the future.

Women's March Correct 1/21/2017

California Succession In Progress

Trump has passed at least 14 Executive Orders in the First Week and major construction confirmed on the wall

Transgender Bathroom Laws changed:


Hillary Clinton

She will write another book, I actually see a book between her and Bill. Like a joint effort. They will eventually do joint speaking engagements.  The Trump election has put her in more of a positive light than before. She is biding her time.  She will continue her political and personal pursuits. She will begin to come off as more of a hero than before and ride the proverbial wave. She will navigate prior health concerns that I've touched upon before and scandals. She will eventually start appearing in the media to discuss what President Trump is doing.  I also hear Ambassador. 

Correct: She's writing a book.

Fox News

Fox is going to have an exodus of talent leaving that will go to a competitor. Expect to see a new Network emerge with connections to Trump supporters, Roger Ailes and etc.   Fox News will bring in someone new to run the network. They will attempt to be more edgy and add younger diverse people. Expect to see an African American host in a night time slot. Which would be great too.

Greta Van Susteren will join MSNBC.  CNN doesn't look like a great fit.



I see Tom Brady with a knee brace and elbow support. He will start to have injury problems and issues with his throwing arm in 2017.  There will be a decline with his joints and bodies. He will start to miss more time during 2017. Once Brady show's a decline. The younger backup Quarterback will begin to get more attention and momentum. If Joshua McDaniel was smart enough to stay in place. He would be the eventual coach. He looks very linked to the 49'ers job.  Bill Belichick will resign or retire a year after Tom leaves.  Tom has until the 2018 season, ending in 2019.  I see 2017, the current year as the last of their Super Bowl reign. 

Lebron James: He will begin to have the injury bug. I see an issue with a finger on his shooting hand. I've previously predicted injury problems.  He will eventually leave the Cav's within 2-3 years. I also hear trade. He will be apart of a huge trade in the future.

Atlanta Falcons: I've touched upon this in prior predictions. They will have one year as a super team, then begin to decline the season after that.  For example, you will see a big year like this one. Than they will start off strong next year, and fall off mid-way into the season. I do not see the Falcons succeeding with the same core team in the future. 

Chicago Cubs will have Two World Series wins, I see 2-3. They will be back in the World Series two out of three years for example.

The New York Yankees will either have a major sell or front office change.  

The LA Lakers will experience a change in the Front Office, President or GM type of roles. The current Coach Luke Walton feels safe.

Los Angeles Lakers Governor Jeanie Buss announced today that the team has named Earvin "Magic" Johnson as President of Basketball Operations. In addition, General Manager Mitch Kupchak has been relieved of his duties, effective immediately. Furthermore, Jim Buss will no longer hold his role as Lakers Executive Vice President of Basketball Operations. Correct:

The Boston Red Sox look on fire in their energy.  Expect a big year offensively. 

Peyton Manning will return in some capacity to the University of Tennessee. He also will eventually be a NFL partial team owner or President.  Think what Elway is doing with the Broncos. Manning will eventually do that with the Colts.

A major MLB record will be broke next year. Think the home run record.  Also expect a pitcher to have a historic year. Hint: Clayton Kershaw.  A tall left hander type of pitcher.

The Cleveland Browns are linked to a African American Quarterback in the future. I do not see the Browns having success for the next several years. Hint: Deshawn Watson.    Correct: They drafted DeShowne Kizer in the 2nd round.  The Browns also traded away the draft pick in the 1st Round to the Texans that was used to take Deshawn Watson. 

I see more struggles for Johnny Manziel. He will be linked to needles, substance abuse/drug use and an illness will become public.

Tim Tebow is on the path in the next several years of being married to a blond headed female. I see Tebow's family having a boy. He will have his own ministry or even host a Christian show. Think Joel Osteen. 

World Events

Expect to see a tragedy involving a Metro wrecking, this will hurt allot of people. I see what looks like a Metro or transit above ground.  Correct:

A major building or landmark will burn down.  

A major ship will be in the news.  This will be a modern ocean liner sinking.  

I am seeing information on a major Terrorist event involving Machine Guns.  The person resembles Osama Bin Laden. I see the shooter wearing green military clothes. The shooter will have a Bin Laden connection such as his organization, or a family connection.   There will be major information involving arm's dealings to terrorists too.

This may be what I was seeing:  This man is also wearing green military clothes in photos.

There will be a major flood in the news that involves cars, and even a school bus. This will be a once in a lifetime type of flood in a region such as Louisiana.    Correct:

The Self Driving Car will have a fatal car accident where it collides with another car. Speaking of Self-Driving Cars, there will be announcements of the Self-Driving Bus. Commuter buses will be a thing of the future.   Correct:

A major announcement on Natural Gas and fracking will make media headlines.

Alaskan Oil drilling and Natural Resources will make news.

I am seeing a major discovery in Egypt involving Ramses.   Correct:

A horrific Earthquake will make the news. This will be a huge disaster.  

I am seeing a major world currency changing to where paper money is no longer good. This is a non-USA currency on the foreign market. 

In the United States I'm seeing a major hostage situation with either someone that is armed, a fraction or a representation of a fraction. This will make major news. There will be a live stand off.  

News on Martin Luther King Jr will make the headlines. This will revolve around a new book, or even a movie. This will have never before seen or heard information. Essentially, expect new revelations to become a new story at the very least. 

This could be what I was picking up on:

A location or college with a State in the name will make headlines for a tragedy. Think Kent State, Pent State for example.

There was a hate crime shooting in Kent City.

Anti-Inflammatory treatment for Arthritis will make headlines.

A new Rocket and method of space travel will be announced. An official new space mission will be announced with a planetary visit. Hint: Mars.

More Alien News will be covered by the Media.  Expect to see more hints from major world Governments.  Correct:

My theory of Oak Island involves the Spanish. Which, I feel that the Templar's essentially became Pirates, and had Spanish ties.  Oak Island definitely has a Spanish connection, and Pirate connection.    Also expect to hear news on a new Blackbeard treasure theory on the show.

A classic beer recipe from a hundred years ago if not hundreds of years ago will be mass produced.  

Amazon will eventually venture to stores, have a store front, and be into the grocery business. I also see a strategic partnership with Target.   Walmart will be the next major giant from the 80's and 90's to fall. This may take years to manifest. But they will fall along the lines of K-Mart, Sears and etc. The issue with Walmart comes down to a dated formula. They shut down the competitors with lower prices. The issue is they are not adapting. They have dated, and crowded stores. I see a major surge in grocery stores in the next several years. You will see new grocery store chains emerge and become national. They will overtake the Krogers of the world too.  Buy stock in Amazon and Target. They are the future giants. They have the insight into what the consumer wants. While Walmart from the entire corporate structure is stuck in the past, stubborn, and refusing to adapt. They have overspent on stores and expanding too. Expect stores to eventually shut down.  This section Added 3/10/2017: Amazon may even buy reduced assets of K-Mart.   Correct:  Amazon Bought Wholesale Foods Grocery Store Chain

Verizon will sell part of their portfolio. This will be the non-wireless portion.  They will also rent out bandwith or a data portion and part of their signal to a competitor. For example, T-Mobile may eventually expand to have the Verizon type of technology or be capable.

Chicago will have more issues with crime. Expect to see a major crime wave where an area will be under attack. This will make news. Also a Chicago rail-ray above ground incident will make news.  


Correct/In Progress a day after my predictions: This will be the first of many

There will be issues with the quality of fish that are in the stores. A mass recall will occur.


Updated Predictions 2017-Added 2-7-17

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry

I see Meghan as wanting to marry Prince Harry. She will shift away from the acting aspect of her career, and has the intentions on being a Princess. She has a huge career aspirations of activism, helping others, and being a world leader. I see this being in alignment with her life purpose. She's doing the TV Suits at the moment, because of her contract, not letting the rest of the cast down. I see only a year or two left of acting. Although, once the engagement is announced, the acting aspect will vanish, and the show will write her off as traveling or being in another city. She does have a good heart and loves her cast-mates. Her life purpose is greatly aligned with a lifetime of helping others.  Prince Harry's biological clock is ticking, the number 27 stands out, I see him looking to get married fast. He wants the Queen to be alive to attend the wedding and see him get married. I also see Harry rushing to get married, have a baby, and fast track things. The issue with this is, he's not allowing things to flow very naturally. There will be a phase of unhappiness by age 34 with his life. Expect to see him taking lots of trips, or even re-exploring the military, and other such avenues.  They will have a marriage/engagement announcement this Summer for a Spring 2018 wedding. She does want to quit Suits and will leave/be written out.

Miley Cyrus will announce a pregnancy. 

There will be a future scare involving a major Tennis match and a shooter, I see someone with a pistol. At the very least, you will see a shooting at a major sporting event.   Correct 2017 Congress Baseball Shooting

An area such as Miami, a coastal region will experience an exodus of refuges, also plane-wreck debree will wash on the shore.   

A lightening experiment will make headlines.  This will involve someone from the past such as Telsa, his or Edisons experiments will be done in the modern time with a twist. You will see breakthroughs in the energy field. 

President Trump will send people off on a huge boat. He will turn away refugees in record numbers and even remove people from the country, MN stands out.  I also hear stock exchange. I see the bell ringing.  He will take credit for historical large numbers in the stock market. He will announce new road construction, a major high way, and major work in Detriot. He wants the kind of expansion that our country saw in the 50's and 60's.  VP Pence will face rumors of infedility from his past or attacks on his marriage. 

The Atlanta Braves will make headlines. 

Atlanta Falcons will sign a dominant pass rusher to their defense.  You will also see a historical trade in the NFL of a once and a generation pass rusher. Someone will be cut or traded, and then be a major acquisition. This is an All Pro type of player. Not a mundane type of player.

The Patriots will begin to decline. 

A sniper will emerge in Chicago or Washington DC, expect news on sniper shootings to emerge.  CORRECT: A Judged overturned the DC Snipers case of Life without Paraole. A new trial is likely.

This is in Paris, a big city, but there was an accidential sniper shooting.

A major company will be busted for insider trading and trade deals. 

I see a major hockey teams ownership stakes being sold.  A hockey team will also reclocate.  Las Vegas will have a hockey expansion team in the future.    Updated: Las Vegas has a hockey team, but the Oakland Raiders just announced they are moving to Vegas! That is likely what I was seeing a major sports team moving.

Jerry Jones will have a major health announcement.   Added 3/11/2017, this may actually be a current or former Cowboys player with the major health announcement. 

Bill Murray will be linked to a new Ghostbusters movie or cartoon

Terrorist activity. A major shooting will occur in Minnesota, North Carolina, Utah.  

Utah Man was killed in London Terrorist attack:

A shooting will occur in a town or city with a P name. The name will be French or Polish.  

Correct: Shooting in French City with P name, Paris. Although, not Polish.

Canada will have a major shooting/shootings and close their boarders or start to take immigration seriously.  

A major female Opera singer will suddenly pass, or a hefty female singer in the music industry will suddenly pass from a sudden event death, such as Aretha Franklin. 

Updated 2/12/2017

President Trump is at a cross roads. What I mean by this is, if he makes a huge mistake or the wrong comment, I see his own party turning on him. An impeachment is being set up. I also see several different scenario's. The first is only one term, I see a similar statement as, "I wanted to make America Great Again, serve my country, I did what I set out to do."  I also see another scenario, depending upon the division where he would even step down. He has to be very cautious in his choices and behavior. Because lasting an entire term is going to be very difficult.  His own party is itching to remove him. I did not see Hillary lasting a full term if she won the election.  Previous predictions on where the country is headed on abortion, healthcare and etc appear to actually mirror the Trump administration. He has to be extremely careful, our country is very near multiple wars and conflicts.  Think of it like this, his own party is waiting to remove him, he already has people who are agaisn't him who have went public, the rest are awaiting for their chance. Essentially, Paul Ryan and others does not want to hurt their political future by going against him now.  His administration has to provide tangible, concrete flaws/scandals, once that happens, his own party will wash their hands. They badly want Pence in office. He will run an administration similar to Bush.

Villisca Axe Murder House

I first attempt to make contact with the killer. One male comes forward.  He tells me that he lurks in the dark, and in the shadows. He lingers around the closest, any kind of crawl spaces or cubby holes, and in the attic.  I hear him with a very threatening dialogue, lots of cuss words, he's very vulgar and vile.

The Axe Murder house does have a negative entity that presides. The entity takes on the form of children, and can be very threatening to others. I am hearing the entity will lure people in through kids, and than strike when they least expect it.  (Although, due to the horrific nature of the crime, the energy of the family and residual imprints of the murder still resides even today).

The male that I am communicating with is holding an axe. I see tattoo's on his knuckles or something going on with the knuckles (this could have occurred even years after the murders).  The man that has come forward is not a young man, he appears to be at least in his late 30's-40's, if not even older. He is very dirty. He has darker hair that is not slicked back, the hair is a little big on top, and short on the sides. Not like an Afro for example, but the hair is not slicked down with gel, and he has a mustache.

I see him wearing pants, and a blue flannel jacket.  He also may even wear attire that is more common for his time, but the clothes are worn, and very dirty. He's also missing a tooth or even has a silver tooth for example. He is very dirty. Very filthy.  He also works a very blue-collar job. He's in a job that travels.  I see him chewing tobacco.  He's also a hitch-hiker or has a tendency to drift.  I hear the word circus. He may not literally be in the circus, but he travels like the circus. I also see a logging connection or a train connection. A strong connection to blue-collar work among men.  He also carries a white-handkerchief. I see the white handkerchief being dirty, he has issues with his throat and coughs into the white=handkerchief.  His teeth are very dirty. Mentally, he's not very sharp. What I mean by this is, he's not someone who is highly intelligent or a high IQ. There's a sense of violence with him, he's missing a few marbles (so to speak).  He also spent some time in the home, while everyone was not at the house, and then he lurked around while they were. He watched people sleep.  I also see him starting with a female first. He enjoyed killing the females. He has a perversion towards the younger female children.  I see him being more brutal with the boys in the killings. He has a connection to Tobacco he is a Tobacco user.

I see another man clean shaved. A little stocky although not much. He appears to be built very well and not rail-thin. Bigger forehead. Full head of hair. Looks very stern and serious. Not the murderer. But rather the father.

Also heard the name Frank.  The killer has a Christian name. He will also have a nickname or variation of his name. For example, Johnathan is Johnny or Matthew is Matty or M. There is a J name associated with the home, family or murder.  The M initial is associated with the family.

The Father of the home that was murdered. I see him as somewhat of a teacher. He has a connection for education, or he tried to bring that in the home. He feels very religious and of the Faith. The Mother of the home had compassion.  But she was a little bit reserved and quiet. I see two girls, and at least one boy that stands out. These are all children.  This is a very religious family, that is very reserved, well-mannered and disciplined. 

I ask the murderer why he committed the crimes, "He said because he could." He also strikes me as very jealous and jealous of their clean home.  The home appears very neat. I see boxed food. I see a red truck or box car toy.  I see what looks like a little fire truck.   I am also hearing the killer left on a train, and road out of town after briefly returning to work. He also has killed and killed again. With the same method and escape upon jumping on a train. He was jealous of the family and the home. The murderer had run in's with the law, and served various stints in prison.  The murderer went on to live a full life. I see him living at least another 20-30 years after the crimes.  He had an awareness of the family. A passing of sorts in public. He also stood outside of their home, and would watch from a tree. I see him carrying a brown bag in his arms with the bag folded. The brown paper bag had his belongings and contents.  He was somewhat of a drifter. Afterwards,  he carried newspaper clippings of the crime. I see the newspaper clippings crinkled up and not very neat. He was not a very neat person, intelligent, or organized. I do not see him hired for the murder or put up to committing the murder by another party. He sought this family out. He watched them. He had a jealously and a perversion. He is also mentally unfit, with a sense of rage about him. The rage is unnatural and the anger is very unnatural. He is a very angry person. He suffers from a mental condition and does not have much kindness.  I don't see him easily fitting in with society or crowds.

Lastly, I look at how the case could be solved. I'm hearing there's several overlooked things a few years after the murder. I'm hearing it's in the newspapers. I see 1915, and 1920.  There's old reportings and facts that have been discarded over time.