Justin's Prediction on President Trump Impeachment Confirmation

As reported by major media outlets, President Trump was impeached. You can read more about the story by clicking here . Believe it or not, this is something that I’ve been sensing ever since his election down to this year.

During my 2017 Predictions I stated," Updated 2/12/2017 President Trump is at a cross roads. What I mean by this is, if he makes a huge mistake or the wrong comment, I see his own party turning on him. An impeachment is being set up. I also see several different scenario's. The first is only one term, I see a similar statement as, "I wanted to make America Great Again, serve my country, I did what I set out to do." I also see another scenario, depending upon the division where he would even step down. He has to be very cautious in his choices and behavior. Because lasting an entire term is going to be very difficult. His own party is itching to remove him. I did not see Hillary lasting a full term if she won the election. Previous predictions on where the country is headed on abortion, healthcare and etc appear to actually mirror the Trump administration. He has to be extremely careful, our country is very near multiple wars and conflicts. Think of it like this, his own party is waiting to remove him, he already has people who are agaisn't him who have went public, the rest are awaiting for their chance. Essentially, Paul Ryan and others does not want to hurt their political future by going against him now. His administration has to provide tangible, concrete flaws/scandals, once that happens, his own party will wash their hands. They badly want Pence in office. He will run an administration similar to Bush. Click here

Something I discussed in my 2017 predictions, but CNN is going to have a major change and changing of hands. That network is going to be revamped, rebooted, and could be even sold! Also expect a new Fox News type of network to emerge. This will be a brand new political network that is going to take stage in 2018. After the impeachment or resignation, I see Mike Pence being like the President Ford of his time. His energy is very brief. He will not be reelected. A Democratic President is next in line. I see African American energy and female energy too. Expect a very diverse ticket in the future. No matter who won the 2017 election, I was seeing an impeachment or resignation, this is what I would define as a set event. March 2018 also stands out as a very important time frame. The catalyst for the investigation is going to be financial based, specifically investments involving countries, corporations, and so on. I see a group of 4 men. One of the men is light skinned in his late 60's or 70's, with short receding gray or white hair, he's wearing a suit, and very thin. He is politically associated with President Trump. There will be allegations based upon Trump's prior and current investment. Expect to hear about huge conflicts of interest. This will be in several situations including prior investments, but also what his administration is doing for Corporations. This also more in line with what the people are doing who's working for him in The White House. His approach is very hands off, essentially do what you have to do, but don't tell me. He's not a mastermind that is pulling the strings, but rather he's connected to politically some bad people in his circle. Click here

Justin Chase Mullins 2019 Predictions The Trump Impeachment will be in 2019 as discussed in other predictions on my website. Click here

Prediction confirmed. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle engagement.

Original Prediction

I see Meghan as wanting to marry Prince Harry. She will shift away from the acting aspect of her career, and has the intentions on being a Princess. She has a huge career aspirations of activism, helping others, and being a world leader. I see this being in alignment with her life purpose. She's doing the TV Suits at the moment, because of her contract, not letting the rest of the cast down. I see only a year or two left of acting. Although, once the engagement is announced, the acting aspect will vanish, and the show will write her off as traveling or being in another city. She does have a good heart and loves her cast-mates. Her life purpose is greatly aligned with a lifetime of helping others.  Prince Harry's biological clock is ticking, the number 27 stands out, I see him looking to get married fast. He wants the Queen to be alive to attend the wedding and see him get married. I also see Harry rushing to get married, have a baby, and fast track things. The issue with this is, he's not allowing things to flow very naturally. There will be a phase of unhappiness by age 34 with his life. Expect to see him taking lots of trips, or even re-exploring the military, and other such avenues.  They will have a marriage/engagement announcement this Summer for a Spring 2018 wedding. She does want to quit Suits and will leave/be written out.

Source: https://justinchasemullins.com/blog/2017/1/3/the-appalachian-mediums-2017-predictions

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/11/27/world/europe/prince-harry-meghan-markle-engaged.html

OJ Simpson Parole Prediction

Under my 2016-2017 predictions I began to channel information on the OJ Simpson trial and Nicole Brown Simpson murder. That's evident by the next paragraph of details of the murder and also details of the OJ Simpson Bronco chase. I interpreted this information as OJ was going to make the media headlines again and get paroled. This posted before any media attention or discussion was made. 

"When I tune in to celeb related stuff, a light skinned actress with dark brown or black hair will be murdered or have a major suicide, I see an image of a throat slit. (This was an original entry in my 2016-2017 predictions, immediately followed by the new "OJ Mania" paragraph). This information was obviously related to the Nicole Brown Simpson murder.

I also see the energy for another type of OJ Simpson type of chase. A celebrity will catch the spotlight for a huge police chase. This will be fueled by Black Lives Matter. With a mindset of, I'm running, because the police are corrupt. That will be the narrative.  We will see our generations version of the OJ Simpson trial. I strongly believe I was seeing OJ's Parole. I kept seeing OJ Simpson, the bronco, media attention. What I'm actually seeing is "OJ Mania" reemerging in the news and he will get paroled."

President Trump Published July 9th 2017

Politically I consider myself to be very neutral. I believe strongly that politics is something that divides instead of unites.  I'm definitely a spiritual focused person in my mindset and views. With that being said, I do not have any political allegiance, I'm not here to promote any political stance or party.  Rather, unbiased, I will provide what I'm seeing.  I was actually guided to write this post earlier today.  I'm in the Eastern Time Zone, it's currently 11:06 PM here, I was guided to do this task before bed. This is blog purely about where I see Donald Trump headed.

The first image that I see is the image of tanks and North Korea. We will definitely attack North Korea on the world stage. The tanks appear to be North Korean in nature.  While expect some kind of invasion or bombing with China involved. The end result will be the North Korean leader dethroned, destabilized, or worse. I see a type of surrender on the world stage, at the very least, the pressure will be added to North Korea. You may read my previous post titled The Future of North Korea and The Future of Our Country (Our Next War).   The Trump term is going to be filled with "War Energy" this is something I discussed before the election under After the Election and our future dealings with Russia under Trump, Clinton, and Presidency.  You can also see where our country is headed on Abortion, Healthcare and Immigration. 

Our involvement with Russia is far from over.  Any kind of mutual agreement or friendship is an illusion and the reality will be revealed within the next year.  I have predicted a Trump impeachment or resignation. I see this being within year three.  I see the major issues that will lead to the impeachment in year two, specifically around August, so essentially by the late third quarter of the year.  Currently, what I'm seeing is Trump's own party is agaisn't him. These are powerful people in the Senate and Congress.  What everyone is waiting on is a legitimate smoking gun.  My concern with any involvement with Russia is that this is more to do with the people that Trump has hired in key positions.  He has limited information and does this for his own protection. His true inner circle is obviously his family.  There will be a major revelation next year in the third quarter, such as August that will gain major attention and lead to the impeachment or resignation. There will be an investigation, a public meeting of Congress, and etc.  My 2015 predictions stated there will be a major allegation that an election would be fixed and I also discussed Russia's war energy picking up. 

President Trump will also announce a major road way, express way, high way project that will have his name attached. This will be a road that goes from the East Coast to the West Coast. I also see energy for international mining rights that is going to make the news.  He's also going to appoint a blond headed female to a major role in the near future, this will be an appointment or replacement of a current position. 

He will have a waive of new legislation.   I also see early 2018 having a waive of optimism, with things looking promising, then suddenly, reality is going to set in. There will be a major attack or bombing out of no where during that time.  Think of it like this, the energetic shit is going to hit the fan in a big way. Back to this good time period, there will be major factory announcements, companies will start to come back. I don't see an impeachment in 2018. But again, 2019, the third time is the troubling year. The energy for that year is very red, which I'm not an astrologist, but I think of that as the Aries War energy, the fire energy. That is the energy of Mother Russia. As previously predicted there will be a Russia and United States dispute over Iraq/Middle East/Oil. China will interfere third party during the middle conflict. I also view Russia as believing they have something on us, or over us, with the Russia hacking.  This is something I even discussed and predicted before the connection was even made. I always saw Wiki-Leaks connected to the Trump campaign. 

Something I discussed in my 2017 predictions, but CNN is going to have a major change and changing of hands. That network is going to be revamped, rebooted, and could be even sold! Also expect a new Fox News type of network to emerge. This will be a brand new political network that is going to take stage in 2018.    After the impeachment or resignation, I see Mike Pence being like the President Ford of his time. His energy is very brief. He will not be reelected.  A Democratic President is next in line.  I see African American energy and female energy too. Expect a very diverse ticket in the future. No matter who won the 2017 election, I was seeing an impeachment or resignation, this is what I would define as a set event. March 2018 also stands out as a very important time frame.  

The catalyst for the investigation is going to be financial based, specifically investments involving countries, corporations, and so on. I see a group of 4 men.  One of the men is light skinned in his late 60's or 70's, with short receding gray or white hair, he's wearing a suit, and very thin.  He is politically associated with President Trump.  There will be allegations based upon Trump's prior and current investment.  Expect to hear about huge conflicts of interest.  This will be in several situations including prior investments, but also what his administration is doing for Corporations. This also more in line with what the people are doing who's working for him in The White House.  His approach is very hands off, essentially do what you have to do, but don't tell me. He's not a mastermind that is pulling the strings, but rather he's connected to politically some bad people in his circle.



The Future of North Korea and Terrorist Attack Predictions 2017

For a mere several moments I contemplated having the title of this blog, I mean article, as The Future of North Korea by JCM. I may legally change my name to JCM, so I can be like Prince or Bono. One of these iconic names.  Back to the word blog, just the mere mention makes me think of "blaaah-ooooh." Just not very appealing. I absolutely prefer article.  This helps in channeling my inner 1920's-1950's inner reporter. All I need are legions of newspaper boys on every corner saying, "Extra, Extra, read all about it." The latest from JCM, Justy-Damous.  See what I did there? Now I'm attempting to be hip. Thankfully, I'm an age or two out of the range of being a millennial, I'm apart of Generation-X. Now that's hip!

So, I can only imagine that you're reading this article for the 411 on North Korea, not to read about my musings, and witty catch phrases like I'm Chevy Chase channeling Fletch.  When I look at North Korea in a "psychic sense".  I really see North Korea as being isolated. They are lacking in several fronts including finances, alliances, and capable means. I'm shown that other countries will team up, surround them and essentially push North Korea out of power. I do feel strongly in the short-term future, which is anywhere from 2017-2020, North Korea will have a chance of power, and a destabilization. They will crumble on a trade front, international support front, and a military front. I do not see North Korea as a world power. 

The countries that keep me up at night are Russia, China, and Iran.  Essentially, our next big war is going to be fought in the Middle East. But remember this, the world has greatly changed in the aspects of how wars are fought.  Gone are the days of troves of military troops being dropped in locations for great battles.  Wars now are fought by missile launches, cyber hacking, trade manipulation.  China will not open and immediately be our enemy. Think of China as being patient, wanting to do deals, and waiting for the right moment to strike.  While Russia is way more aggressive. I view Russia as great protectors of the Middle East, this is all about oil. China would turn on us when they see the right opening and the right moment. Our conflict with Russia will be more immediate, and happen before any conflict with China. Think of the conflict first occurring as military maneuvers, statements, and political games. Keep in mind that the nature of War has evolved in the 21st century. This conflict will not be cut and dry or like conflicts in the past. This will have many layers and play out over time.  

I strongly expect the North Korea conflict to be handled very quickly, with the help of more than one country, think China, or South Korea.  I really view North Korea's leader being overthrown and destabilization occurring to their leadership. They will have a new rule and change.  This is not the great war that I've discussed in the article titled "Our Next War.

You can strongly expect to see other countries teaming up to destabilize North Korea. This will be handled in the present and near future. I really see the energy around 2017 as being the prime year to deal with North Korea. There will be a conflict, stand off, and destabilization.  A shift will occur back to the Middle East. President Trump has this "war energy" that I've discussed. He cannot help himself and badly wants to be at war. His entire term will be riddled with this type of energy. This will also limit what he can do for our country on his domestic policies. He will spend his focus and energy in international conflicts. Again, Russia and the Middle East keeps me up at night!   The 29th stands out to me in general, this could be April 29th, but more than likely August 29th-September.  I strongly see a scenario with America's energy being all over the place.  There will be a focus on North Korea, than back to the Middle East, then back to a focus on domestic healthcare, immigration, and so on. The Trump administration is going to be all over the place. I don't see in energy or information a situation where from now until September is solely North Korea, there will be shifts, highs, and lows.

Within 2-3 weeks, I'm seeing another bombing/attack with Middle East connections.  You will see another terrorist attack or strike in America on the Northern East Coast by Summer. This could be at the very least similar to previous attacks, rather than a 9-11 type of event. Think what has occurred over the past several years.  I see a wave of energy where France will also be attacked. I see at least 29-30+ people murdered in a terrorist event. I see traffic, buses, and so on. There is also London/UK energy coming through. 

Jack the Ripper

The Jack the Ripper case has been one of my favorite cases. I do have limited knowledge of the case from movies and other forms of media. By no means, am I some sort of expert or historian on the matter.  This case is difficult to "read" on the basis of the popularity and what our society knows. I was unable to make a direct connection to the killer via mediumship. The killer would not come forward. I was able through my psychic ability to connect to the case itself, rather than "Jack the Ripper", if that makes sense. I also connected with the first victim Mary Ann Nichols. I strongly feel the murders are connected to her.

Once I make a connection to the "real" Jack the Ripper case, I start seeing lots of different information. The first thing that I see is a man with darker hair, the hair is combed, and shorter. I see a full mustache, I also see a man who is very well dressed in a suit. I also see this man being married, there's a connection to a little girl. I see information on a home life or more of a refined life. He lived in the city.  I also see that he went out and lived a double life.  He lived in some sort of town house, with at least two levels, and a basement.  I see syphilis, I see drinking, I see an affair and prostitutes. There was a fear of a pregnancy coming out. With a fear of others finding out. Lots of tobacco around him. He was living a double life, a married one, while going out. I see a connection to books, teaching,  wore glasses at least to read, began losing hair on the top of his head in life, the hair was thinning, nut not by allot when he committed the murders, I see a Mustache, looks to be in his mid 30's or very early 40's. Not a young man, but not by any means old. Got into trouble. Connection to gambling, knew the first prostitute that was killed, all of the murders were about her, to silence everyone.  He was violent before. They were in a relationship, or at least he considered that.  Heavy drinker.  I see shouting, a fight, hands around her neck,  I hear the words, you whore, you slept with him,  you're mine, connection to paper or money slipped in dress, stuck it in her dress, killed her, beat her, bloody, then stabbed.  I see a punch to the face. 

I see another man that liked to watch others have sex, he appears lurking in the shadows, I see him being clean shaven.  He has a connection to the docks, boats, fishing, body of water, he's also walks with a limp. I'm unsure if he had these afflictions during the murders, but he did later in life, he suffered a stroke.  This stroke caused an impairment with one arm, especially in the hand area, and issues with one eye.  The stroke may have occurred later in life. I see this man with a knife that is curved.  This man had issues with money. He was not a ladies man. He also talked a little bit funny, there's a sense around him that he had a handicap mentally as well. He's not right in the head. He suffers from sexual performance issues. Spent time in an asylum. Also may have suffered from syphilis as well. He appears in his 40's or 50's, he's not a young man in age.  He worked on the docks. He had facial stubble, not a beard. He has white hair around his ears, with darker hair that may even appear a little lighter depending on how the sun hits it. I see workman pants, and a pea-coat. He also gutted fish, and really big fish at that. He would spend time out at sea. He lurks out of the bars and in the shadows. He has a violent temper, prone to cussing, a very violent man who was very jealous. He was a pervert. 

The scenario that I keep seeing is the first suspect that I mentioned, the married man visited the first victim. They had a relationship of some sorts, there was a fight, and at the very least some kind of violence.  The second suspect watched and observed. I do not see all of the murders being committed by one person. There was actually a combination of killers, committing a combination of murders. I'm unsure if suspect 1, hired suspect 2, or if suspect 2 observed suspect 1 committing the murders.  This case is truly remarkable.  The most important thing that I keep hearing is victim number 1 is the most important, it all starts with her.  The rest of the victims were killed to cover the killers tracks. This is someone that victim 1 spoke of, and they all knew that she saw. There was knowledge of a prior relationship.  I strongly believe that suspect 1 wanted to cover his tracks to protect his name, and his double life. I'm unsure if suspect 2 observed the killings or if he was contracted for hire.  Suspect 2 was also very violent, insanely violent, jealous, and not right mentally. Suspect 1 was very jealous when he drank, quick temper, and violent towards women.   At the very least, I hope that providing this information will help someone put together the pieces to this puzzle. 

I'm attempting to connect to the first victim Mary Ann Nichols.  She immediately tells me several things, she references a cross connected to the grave, a possible tombstone. She also tells me in the 20th century and later on things were done for her grave in commemoration and out of memory. She also tells me, the kids do ghost tours around her graves, there's ghost walks, and people visit with her. She also says, things are left at her grave by strangers paying respects and items. She's very grateful for all of that.  She says, I was a good person, I tried to take care of the girls. I was like a Mother to them. They became my family.  She's showing me a necklace, and an image of her when she was younger. She says, I used to be a very good woman then. I tried to be a good woman when I became older.  I trusted the wrong people. I got hurt. I dealt with some very abusive men. I was hungry. I wanted a loaf of bread. I hang around the bar and had drinks.  There was a much younger fellow, that had taken a liking to me, I was his dirty secret.   I see her smiling with missing teeth.  She says, I gave him a good ranglin.  He was embarrassed at what would come out. Embarrassed at who I would tell about our affair. I was not the sort of woman that was taken in certain circles. He was very paranoid and cut my throat.  He also killed at least two of the girls. He was very paranoid. He also assaulted a man that was very near and dear to us. 

The man he assaulted, I see having a full beard, black coat, and very protective.   The man that killed her was wearing a brown coat, mustache, brown hair, short and combed. He was a teacher or professional even. He also had a sense of religion around him. He dabbled in drugs, drinking that made him crazy.  He had another personality.  I see an image of a boat, boat docks, water. He appears about 20 years younger than her,  perhaps minus a few years. I also see a gap in the murders. Such as he killer her, than killed victim 3.  There's a gap in the murder pattern. I see suspect 2 committing murders 2, 4, and 5.  This may be out of order in who committed what murders. This is an example.

So in conclusion, I strongly believe there was two murderers.    Suspect 1 is more likely to write the letters, because of his education status. I see him in a room, with a wooden desk that is elevated and smaller, this smaller desk can rise, move up and down in the angles. I see this man wearing thin glasses, writing, and sending the letters in.  The glasses are used for writing, but not in his every day life. Suspect 2, seems like he could barely read, because of his IQ levels and mental insanity, he would not be able to make much sense.  I do feel strongly that Suspect 2 witnessed the original murder, was aroused by the violence and committed several of the following murders. Suspect 1 returned to murder one of the girls that was best friends with the first victim. He was very paranoid. Suspect 2, also gutted fish, had fisherman knives, and has connections to the docks. 

The Black Dilaha

This Cold Case been on my mind for several days. While literally driving my car I have been shown information from the victim. I have been guided to make the shift of working several cold-cases.  I know limited information on the case. I have never been to LA, or anywhere on the West Coast. 

When I tune in to Elizabeth Short. I am shown various men and information. I am seeing a two-story house that resembles a farmhouse, the house is white, the location looks rural.  I am hearing this location is away from Los Angeles.   Elizabeth is telling me that she traveled a great distance to LA from where she has come from. 

I hear the name John or Johnny or Farmer John.  The John name will have his profession in front of his name, with a J or John type of name. He will not literally be a farmer.  

I'm shown a man. This is how I mentally see him, he is wearing a lime green suit,  I see dress pants, I see him wearing a white-wife beater type of tank-top, and he wears a hat.  He looks a little bit like a boxer. He smokes.  He has connections to a Butcher.  He may have learned the Butchering trade in his youth. There is a military connection there as well. He looks to be in his late 30's or 40's. He has short dark hair. A very square jaw. Clean shaved.  I compare him to a hired-thug.  Very Mob like. He is a heavy smoker. He knew her. Had knowledge of her.  She knew immediately that she was in trouble after the first few minutes of the car-ride, she sat in the back.  There's a sense of drinking around him. I hear the name Butcher or that word comes in. He may even wear a jacket or shirt around his waist or have a photo similar to that, I keep seeing the green pants and white wife-beater tank top. 

She's telling me about Doctors around her. I see a man with a mustache. He's a collector of species.  I also want to add that when she got into the car.  She knew who the driver was.  She had an awareness of him. They even had somewhat of a friendship and have interacted in the past. She was aware that the man with the crime or mob connections was very angry with her. She was avoiding this man, because of previous fears.  She got in the car because she had to, and at first she was under the impression that maybe things would be okay.  After several minutes in the car, she knew that entering the car was a death sentence, that things were not okay, and she was on her way to die. She knew this because of the interaction between the driver and her. Things have changed and were different. She had an ominous feeling. The surgeon was also very tall, or appeared tall.  There's a contrast between him, and the driver of at least 4 inches in height. The surgeon was not 6-5 or anything crazy, but he is anywhere between 5ft-11 and 6ft 2 or 6ft 1.  He is lighter in weight, very slender.  I see him being older in age. He is not a young man. His hair is darker and slicked back. The hair is also receding on-top. I see dark gray cotton slacks or black slacks. They are worn. They are faded. They are not new clothes. He's also wearing a long sleeve stripped white button up shirt with a darker vest. He appears to be in his late 50's or 60's in age. 

I keep on hearing about a location 100 miles away from LA.  The location may not literally be 100 miles away. I do not see the murder taking place in downtown LA. She was taken somewhere with farmland, that is remote, with brown or dead grass. I'm from the Appalachian Mountains, so this looks nothing like where I live. She was not murdered anywhere inside of the city. At the very least, this could be a district or section outside of LA.  The two-story white house, has a building out back,  and/or some type of barn. The home was formally a hospital or a type of surgical facility that has not been in major use. This is not an active home, it appears to be abandoned, such as a business or medical practice has left.  I see the surgical room downstairs. I see surgical equipment.  The room where many of the acts were committed had a window view. Also, salt water was near or in the air.

Another location, that I was seeing visions of, but did not see during completing this session was a smaller white house that is in LA or the outskirts of LA. The house is one story, with a garage or building to the right of the house. I do not see the building, directly behind the house, but to the right of the house. This looks more like a residence. 

I keep hearing the word Jealous.  Jealousy.   I hear the name Michael, or a name that rhymes with Michael, such as Car-Michael.  I hear Ventura or Ventura Street.  I hear pick up.  I see a white town-car, the car looks like something out of the 40's. I see her picked up at a hotel.  She is picked up by this Mob-like type of guy, the man that resembles a boxer.  He's very stocky. Looks like he's 5ft 7, 5ft 8, 215 or 220 pounds for example. He's not rail thin.  He's talking about going to the movies. He's driving around.  I'm also hearing that she was punched or hit to the face. I hear abuse. 

I see several things. I see farm animals, horses.   I also hear Doctor. She was taken to someone that had money. He did experiments. He strikes me as like a Nazi Doctor, in just the way he was inhumane and cold blooded.  She also upset someone in organized crime, think of a mob type of connection.  She was hanging out with the wrong people. I see three men and a type of club scene, with music playing.  I hear three men and I see her with them in a group.
She got in the wrong crowd. She was with someone that she wasn't suppose to be with. This was taken as a great offense.  

I'm also hearing that several of her personal items are in the hands of private collectors. I also see what looks like a silver necklace with a pendant, the pendant is circular, like an hour glass for example, it may even open up.  I'm hearing bathtub of blood, pool of blood, I see sheep. I hear slaughter.   Her death was in such of a way to say, "Hey don't cross this person. This is what happens when you mess with us." This was meant to send a message to someone who worked for others in organized crime.  There's also a connection to the LAPD, to a police chief or someone in law enforcement. 

I believe that she went to some kind of farm or facility. I see dead grass or brown grass. This looks very dessert like, but this is a community that is remote that doesn't grow much grass.  The town has an F initial. I see what looks like a windmill.  The land may not literally be farm land, but it's not filled with luscious green grass. The land and home is different in layout than modern California. 

She was taken to a Doctors house who was hired and worked for the organized crime.  The Doctor was very skinny. Shorter hair that is longer on front. Smaller Glasses. He would wore an apron, big gloves.. The Doctor would have done autopsy's or been very surgically proficient. I see an autopsy connection around him.  

There's a connection between her and someone in law enforcement too, such as an investigator.

She's telling me that she was hit hard in the face, there was gashes on her body or near the throat.  She was tortured, there was even needles shoved in her hand. Blood was taken. Bodily fluids were taken.  She was kept alive in a horrible state.   Someone with connections in organized crime did not like her being with rival men. I hear the name F. Such as Frank for example. I hear a strong F name on someone that had a connection with her death.  Frank stands out.

She's also telling me that items related to her were buried even not far from where she was left. I am hearing ripped clothes also.  I am trying to make the message out,  Don't feel sorry for me, or feel sorry for me, I'm a victim. I was raped. She's also showing me a Grandmother or Mother type of figure, she's wearing a farm dress, her hair is put back. She's telling me that she misses her. She let down the family with her values. How she lived.  I also see gambling around her.  I see an image of Poker Chips or a Casino type of vibe.   She thought that she knew what was best. She got involved with the wrong men who gave big promises in her career. She was used, and abused. I see a sense of prostitution or at the very least having numerous partners each night. More or less being in a situation of looking for someone to help her.   The Mother type of figure has a name like Maggie or May.

In conclusion. With what Elizabeth has shared. Her murder was committed by someone with major organized crime connections. She is telling me, this murder was similar to a "hit" that was placed on her by someone who was very jealous, and in power. She was with a group of 3 men, this angered the person in power.  She was taken to a Doctor or Surgeon who did work for the organized crime. Her murder was to make a point, not to mess with the crime organization.  The head of the organization who placed the hit, who was very jealous, strikes me as like an Al Capone type of person, although this was not literally Al Capone. I see a flashy, pin striped type of suit, a bigger face, clean shaved, parted dark hair. I see big lips, and weight and a strong jaw.  The connection that he had to the LAPD resulted in the investigation not being conducted properly and several avenues not being explored.  The surgical doctor was someone that worked for hire, who conducted several murders, body disposals, and etc. Elizabeth was not the first victim or the last.  The Doctor that committed the murder was in financial need.