2022 Predictions and Beyond

I'm hearing baseball and split. This will involve the strike, split season, or some kind of extension.

"Tornado's", there will be a team called Tornado's, or some branding.

I'm hearing Kentucky blue, there will be a tragedy involving Kentucky, Law Enforcement, and the state.

A major event will have huge rain interrupting, this is non-sport related, think New Years Eve ball dropping as an example.

I hear the name Jessica, there will be a major tragedy with a murder or suicide involving a major actress.

Derek Jeter and Marlins, there will be a major change.

"Branding", Twitter will go through a major change.

Donald Trump and Commercial Interests.....

Tire recall, or major Tire News involving a change or innovation. Expect, automobile innovations.

As predicted many years ago in a prior post, Abortion will be returned to the states.

Joe Biden has only 4 years as President, and so does the Democrats.

Lots of powerful negative energy for the next President, expect major conflicts, changes, and world shaking.

There will be a tragedy at a sporting event involving an attack or incident.

Expect focus around Aretha Franklin and also holograms in general in the future.

SOFI will be hit hard in the next several years. I see SOFI being "milked" for money at the moment, the bank focus is all about revenue and boosting stock. Expect a major controversy to hit, a decline, Anthony Noto will eventually step down.

Lakers will have terminations, changes and shake ups all throughout the ranks. Coaches, GM, Players.

Lebron James will own a studio or production company. I hear two years left for him. His desire after sports is to produce, be an Owner, etc.

COVID will be around for the next several years, I hear 4 year run. This is all about world shaping, World Leaders wanting to become United, currency changes, etc. COVID is real, but there is political and world leader manipulation.

China will extend it's interests, and reach, reviling itself to be more of a World Villain. China operates through hacking, virus, politics, propaganda, and works against America through media manipulation.

When I focus on Putin and Russia, I'm seeing blood. Putin badly wants an invasion, I see an image of tanks. This is propaganda for his own EGO. He wants to have at least a small scale exercise, where he shows force. This is propaganda as well.

I see Joe Biden trying to stabilize some more of the radical movements in 2022, with a mantra of, "We aren't all that bad". I see the Democrats working to make peace with the people through Olive Branches, expect money to be given, attempts to lower inflation, gas prices etc. They are trying to regain trust. This is very much about the next election.

I see Donald Trump passing the torch, he will do allot of speaking in the next 3 years and events.

I don't feel like America will have all of it's 50 states United.

When I focus into 2022, I see an Earthquake that is devastating, there will be a major Storm/Tsunami, there will be supply chain struggles.

Expect a major car chase to occur in 2022 and also issues with a Sniper or shooter. I see a Semi Automatic gun.

Financial Debt and Credit Score will be reshaped.

In the future, the internet will be accessed through microchips inside of people. This will take many forms through masks, glasses, and the Internet will be something that we can access rather different. This is more like Minority Report type of technology.

Queen Elizabeth will pass and there will be a new King and/or Queen. This may take 1.5-2 years.

Justin's Prediction on President Trump Impeachment Confirmation

As reported by major media outlets, President Trump was impeached. You can read more about the story by clicking here . Believe it or not, this is something that I’ve been sensing ever since his election down to this year.

During my 2017 Predictions I stated," Updated 2/12/2017 President Trump is at a cross roads. What I mean by this is, if he makes a huge mistake or the wrong comment, I see his own party turning on him. An impeachment is being set up. I also see several different scenario's. The first is only one term, I see a similar statement as, "I wanted to make America Great Again, serve my country, I did what I set out to do." I also see another scenario, depending upon the division where he would even step down. He has to be very cautious in his choices and behavior. Because lasting an entire term is going to be very difficult. His own party is itching to remove him. I did not see Hillary lasting a full term if she won the election. Previous predictions on where the country is headed on abortion, healthcare and etc appear to actually mirror the Trump administration. He has to be extremely careful, our country is very near multiple wars and conflicts. Think of it like this, his own party is waiting to remove him, he already has people who are agaisn't him who have went public, the rest are awaiting for their chance. Essentially, Paul Ryan and others does not want to hurt their political future by going against him now. His administration has to provide tangible, concrete flaws/scandals, once that happens, his own party will wash their hands. They badly want Pence in office. He will run an administration similar to Bush. Click here

Something I discussed in my 2017 predictions, but CNN is going to have a major change and changing of hands. That network is going to be revamped, rebooted, and could be even sold! Also expect a new Fox News type of network to emerge. This will be a brand new political network that is going to take stage in 2018. After the impeachment or resignation, I see Mike Pence being like the President Ford of his time. His energy is very brief. He will not be reelected. A Democratic President is next in line. I see African American energy and female energy too. Expect a very diverse ticket in the future. No matter who won the 2017 election, I was seeing an impeachment or resignation, this is what I would define as a set event. March 2018 also stands out as a very important time frame. The catalyst for the investigation is going to be financial based, specifically investments involving countries, corporations, and so on. I see a group of 4 men. One of the men is light skinned in his late 60's or 70's, with short receding gray or white hair, he's wearing a suit, and very thin. He is politically associated with President Trump. There will be allegations based upon Trump's prior and current investment. Expect to hear about huge conflicts of interest. This will be in several situations including prior investments, but also what his administration is doing for Corporations. This also more in line with what the people are doing who's working for him in The White House. His approach is very hands off, essentially do what you have to do, but don't tell me. He's not a mastermind that is pulling the strings, but rather he's connected to politically some bad people in his circle. Click here

Justin Chase Mullins 2019 Predictions The Trump Impeachment will be in 2019 as discussed in other predictions on my website. Click here

Notre Dame Cathedral Fire

Since the time frame of 2015-2016, I have been sensing a major building being destroyed, I saw this as someone that would occur in Europe, and the visions involved the building burning. Under the 2016-2017 Predictions I wrote, “A famous building with ties to Italy, and/or Europe is going to be destroyed or vandalized. I see this being some type of clock tower or bell tower, near a church.  "

I saw the building being for example, like a dome or tower, with a religious connection. During the 2018 predictions, I wrote, A major building or landmark will burn down. “

Many predictions that I make on a personal level with clients and also through my website on a world level may take several years to unfold. In the frequency that I work in through Spirit, time does not mean the same as it does in this dimension and existence. This fire is truly a tragedy! I’m someone who loves history.

Source https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-47941794