Developing Your Intuition 101

As a psychic medium from the Appalachian Mountains of Southwest Virginia, I was a novice to metaphysical terms. The area that I was born and raised was not a hot-bed for psychic mediums, and healers.   In writing any blog or article, I take in consideration that not everyone is familiar with new age terms. Looking back, I can recall that my childhood was filled with an array of various supernatural experiences.  Despite those fantastic and sometimes terrifying experiences, I did not come to terms identifying as a psychic medium until 2008.

What do I define as intuition?  I define this as having a "knowing", such as a gut feeling, an ability to know how a situation will play out, the ability to see through someone or a situation, and so on. Think of this is a natural ability to receive information.  This is like a muscle, the more you use this, the more you strengthen this.  As a psychic, I'm highly intuitive. I'm able to connect to Spirit, receive information on past, present, and future information. Think of it like this, a psychic is someone who has the ability to tap into the Source, use that information to navigate different facilities or aspects of my life, your life, and receive information.  Everyone is psychic.  A medium is someone who communicates with those that have crossed over. To put it bluntly, dead people. Not everyone is able to work as a psychic or medium.  Although, by the time you finish reading this article, you will have the capability to have a stronger intuition and perhaps even receive messages from those that have crossed over.

Why should you develop your Intuition? Think of it like this, you have a natural super power, an ability to navigate throughout life with an advantage of knowing what is right or wrong for your highest good. Imagine having the ability to navigate pitfalls, drama, and save yourself a lot of grief! A huge myth is that only select people are intuitive.  In reality, every one is intuitive.  Think of it like this, you're a spiritual being having a human experience, you're a soul,  a divine spiritual being that comes from the Source.   Keep in mind this important concept, everything is energy and energy is everything.  Think of the "Source" as a Divine Intelligence, you may call use whatever term feels comfortable and resonates such as God, and so on. I connect to Spirit, which is defined as a God Source of energy.  The bible even references "The Holy Spirit".  Another myth is that God/The Source is somewhere up in the sky, separate from you and far away.   God is actually in all things, and right here in this physical dimension with you. You're not separate from God. In fact,  as a spiritual being, you're from God.  

I lived a very normal childhood, I played sports, video games, and was your typical boy next door.  In looking back, I can recall that I had very unique and supernatural experiences that were not typical for everyone.   Such as seeing people who were dead "Ghosts, spirits, having dreams that would come true, being able to feel things very deeply, and maintaining a knowing of peoples intentions, how situations would play out, and etc."  Although, I can remember being drawn to the paranormal section of the library, checking out books on controlling dreams, hauntings, telepathy and etc.

I have always been intuitive.  Although, my intuition, abilities and gifts sky rocketed around the year 2008. It was like a light bulb went off and my connection increased. Think of this light bulb that I'm referencing as a Spiritual Awakening.  I define a Spiritual Awakening as connecting to Spirit, the Source, and etc. It's having an awareness that life is more than the material physical world that you live in, more than the 9-5 type of living, seeking the approval of others, and etc.  It's allowing yourself to blend with a God based type of energy, and being guided towards a life purpose. Having a Spiritual Awakening greatly changed my life. The goal of this article is to take you through Intuition 101, with techniques on how to develop your natural gifts. I will define specific terms with a mindset that several of my readers are very unfamiliar with New Age terms.

In 2008, I had several highly prophetic and intense dreams that played huge rules in my spiritual awakening. Around that time, a high school friend passed in a car accident. I had several dreams were he was standing outside of a silver gate, he spoke without his lips moving and wanted me to pass the message to his family that he was okay.  Another dream was I was in a house, with a woman, while a former classmate was chasing her around with a shotgun. I can recall trying to help her hide, as we hid in the bathroom.  The next day, I found out that he murdered her. However, the murdered was not committed with a shotgun. Several years later, another former classmate, shot his EX Girlfriend with a shotgun.  I can recall during my spiritual awakening, I would awaken at night to Spirits calling my name, and attempting to communicate. The paranormal activity around me sky rocketed. In 2008, I was working a 9-5 type of job. In the work place, I began to see Spirits around friends, co-workers, and etc. I was able to tap in to my abilities and deliver messages. During this time, I reached for whatever I could to learn more about these abilities. I remember watching Paranormal State, seeing Psychic Medium Chip Coffey, and saying to myself, I can do that too.  He was the first Psychic Medium that I could relate to.  I can recall throughout 2009, I reached for New Age books, began to collect crystals, explored meditation, and so on.  The books were highly beneficial in understanding new age terms, and exactly what I was going through.  I felt this huge pull or calling to work as a psychic medium.  I began to follow James Van Praagh, John Edwards, and several other amazing professionals and icons.

The first step is being able to separate what is emotions, your human thoughts,  fears, and etc.  I want to walk you through being able to access a space in your body to download information, and clear your mind. One of the greatest tools is learning how to clear your mind.

  1. Find a quiet space.  This can be in your car, office, living room, bedroom, and so on. Sit comfortable in a chair, or in the floor in a classic meditative pose. There is no right or wrong, trust in what you are guided to do.

  2. Close your eyes and focus on your breath.  Breathe in, breathe out. Think of this process as clearing your mind.  At this stage, I want you to visualize breathing in good energy, and exhaling bad energy.  The mind and imagination are your two most powerful tools. 

  3. Visualize white light around yourself and see a bubble. Keep setting the intention that you are breathing in good energy and exhaling bad energy. Next, focus on breathing in psychic or intuitive energy.  Exhale any doubts.

  4. Focus on bringing all of your energy to your heart area and have it in that space. Focus on opening up the left side of your mind, visualize bringing in light, love. Next focus on opening the right side of your mind, visualize bringing in light, love, and so on.   Lastly, open the middle part of your mind, and reach very high with your mind. Have the intention that you are connecting to the Source, merge with this energy.

  5. During this process visualize a mental TV Screen, White Board, or whatever feels natural for you. Practice receiving messages in this space. This is a clairvoyant exercise.  

  6. You may also receive messages through thoughts, feelings, memories, emotions and etc. Send out questions through your mind and listen to the answer.  You may use this technique or space to communicate with those that have passed.  Spirits pass messages through thoughts, memories, feelings, dreams, emotions, and so on. If you find yourself thinking randomly of someone who's passed, he or she is reaching out to you.

  7. Now that you know how to access this space. You may tap into this energy or space even with your eyes are open. You may ask questions or receive information through this mental space.

Think of all of this as strengthening a muscle. Your progress may be very slow, you will see highs and lows.  Do not attempt to force the information or your progress. The goal is to learn to lower your mind, to remove your thoughts, and allow the information to flow through.  Your EGO, anything that Edges God Out, will attempt to control the information or instill fear. A fear of being wrong or second guessing yourself.   

In life, you can look around at those who are purely EGO based.  All that you have to do is walk down the street or into any shopping store. You will find countless people starring at their phones, with a focus on social media, reality television, and etc.  In fact, the EGO is anything that takes you from a foundation of having a spiritual mindset. The EGO is wrapped purely in fear, job status, titles, the need for approval, and peoples opinions.  These are only several examples. As someone who experienced a shift in their life, "A Spiritual Awakening".

I also want to define several more important things.  I believe strongly that like attracts like, light attracts light.  You have various beings of light around you, several terms are "Spirit Guides, Spirits, Angels, and so on." You can focus on communicating or receiving information from your Spiritual Team.  These messages also appear in repeating numbers "Angel Numbers, birds, feathers, butterflies, synchronicity, signs,  music, memories, and etc".

By having a strong connection to your Intuition. You will be able to know, "Okay, this person is wrong for me, or this situation is not to my highest of good." People tend to get themselves in trouble by knowing that someone or some thing is wrong for them, but they navigate down that path anyways.  In my opinion, each person's life is like a huge book. In your very own book of life, you have various chapters. You will not move to the next chapter of phase until you learn the lesson. That's why situations tend to repeat in your life. You will experience the same patterns in who you date, potential workplace drama, personal conflict and etc.  Learn the lesson, and move to the next chapter.

Blessings on your path and Spiritual Journey


I am that I am

First of all, I draw great inspiration from the teachings and work of Dr. Wayne Dyer. He was a true visionary.  Some of my post is drawing inspiration from his teachings. He was a true scholar who drew inspirations from various people in the past, and present.  I have the hope that at least one person will find betterment from the powerful information that I'm sharing.  I will blend several of his teaching with my own insights and guidance from Spirit. 

I say this without EGO. I see allot of misguided people in the world, especially on Social Media. I've certainly fallen into the same familiar traps before. Everything is energy. Keep in mind the quality of your thoughts, how you think, and spend your time expressing yourself. If you constantly discuss your problems online or with friends in conversation you are making your problems grow. If you constantly are expressing yourself in a negative away, you exert negative energy. Negative attracts negative. It's hard to have a quality day when you are focusing on what you dislike, who you dislike, or your problems. Instead, make a shift. Start focusing on what you have going for you in your life. That can be your health (something allot of people don't have), your life (in your physical body), a roof over your head, food in your belly and etc. 

We are all one and connected. We come from the same source. Instead of viewing people as being your way. Start to come from a place of love. In the Old Testament, Moses asked God, "What is your name? I am that I am," said God. Your thoughts and your declarations are under God's authority. When you put I am in-front of what you are, even in mental thoughts. You stay in that place. For example, if you say or think, "I am unhappy, I am over weight, and etc." You attract those problems and keep yourself in that place.  We all have experience depression in our life, negative thoughts, and self-defeating behaviors.  Negative thoughts are hard to navigate, work-through, and process.   

We are Spiritual Beings having a human experience. Start using the power of your mind. Throughout the day. Repeat over and over, what you are in your mind with your "I am's or your positive thoughts". Even if you start having negative thoughts, mentally process your I am's." Many people believe since we are Spiritual Beings from God, one with God, and God is one with us, we have the power to even heal our own bodies. Literally tell yourself, I am healthy for example. Mentally envision your body healing. Command your body to heal with the power of thoughts.  Energy is everything.  As Spiritual Beings who are connected to others, we can feel the energy of others. For example, if someone talks or thinks you, good or bad, you will find yourself mentally thinking of the person.  When an obsessive person thinks about you or focuses on you, what you will find is obsessively feeling the persons energy. What I recommend is commanding your mind.  Mentally create safe guards in your mind. Tell yourself with a mental command. I do not allow this person or this energy in my life. I recommend creating your I am's, mentally for you. Do not share these with others. Do not seek approval of others.   

One thing to keep in mind is the difference between your EGO and Higher Self. Our Higher-Self is our Spiritual Essence.  I compare our whole human experience to the movies Avatar and Matrix.  Our bodies are our meat suits. They are temporary. I believe that our Higher Self is in "The Afterlife" already, and at the same time driving this body.  As we experience death in our human form, our human essence merges with the Higher Self.   The Higher-Self is love in it's purest. Think of the Higher-Self as being a Spiritual-Being without hate or negative feelings, with human feelings and human concerns. The EGO is the negative aspect of our human thoughts. The EGO takes everything personally. The EGO becomes jealous. The EGO is competitive. It's important mentally to check with the Higher Self.   The Higher Self is like God or Spirit, a great source of love, and compassion. I recommend mentally sending thoughts to your Higher Self.  It's also beneficial to take a brief time out to ask yourself, "Is this behavior good for me? Is this EGO talking? Or my Higher or Spiritual Self?"

A few examples of EGO in the Psychic Medium world is the mindset of thoughts of "being the best, or right, or how good you were in the reading". When the process has nothing to do with you. It's about Spirit. It's about delivering the information, as is.  Examples in the workplace are the thoughts of, "Why did my co-worker get the promotion over me? He or she gets all the special treatment." You get the general idea on the point that I'm attempting to make. The EGO wants to retaliate. The EGO is in a constant state of disappointment or grief. Once you become in touch with your Higher Self, separate from your EGO, you will begin to view others as EGO driven or "material world driven".  Although, judging others is another example of EGO! So don't do that!    To be realistic, this mindset will be difficult. No matter what, EGO will come into play every day of your life. It's important to realize when the EGO is taking over, and to have awareness.  No one is perfect!

It's human nature to be self-critical.  Many of us have a tendency to be liked or beloved.  That is not going to be a reality. We will and have encountered people who have instantly disliked us for no reason at all.  We have encountered people in our past who may have a poor opinion of who we are.  It's important to be authentic to who you are today. Instead of having a sense of guilt, or a sense of why does this person not like me?  Focus on coming from a place of love. I am recommend using the "I am love and/or I am loved."  It's powerful to realize that you are a Spiritual Being having a human experience.  Your past behaviors and past problems is all towards your Spiritual Growth.  Realize that you have made mistakes in your past. Accept it's for your Spiritual Growth, let go of the mistakes and move on.  Do not allow people to hold guilt trips on the basis of the person that you used to be. Do not give these people an audience to hurt you. It's human-nature for others to abuse power. A type of abuse is having control over how you feel. Become in touch with your Higher Self.  EGO may even influence you on the basis of getting even, arguing, or "showing the person" not to mess with you.  As you raise your vibrations from the change to your thoughts. You will begin to shift away from those with that type of behavior. You will find yourself fighting less, and caring about those with a poor opinion.  John Wooden said, "Be concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are."

Challenge yourself to come from a place of love. I actually do not recommend a Vision Board.  Instead, process these thoughts daily. When you literally find yourself being self-critical or negative, mentally process your "I am's". I process these thoughts throughout my day, including while driving. If you tend to attractive negative people throughout your life. Mentally say, I do not want to attract these type of people anymore.  Let's face it, society is a mess at times, you may still attract these types of energies. The frequency of encountering these types of energies will lower.  If you want to lose weight, start with the positive thoughts of, I am losing weight, my body is in fat burning mode, I am cautious of what I eat, and etc.  Your thoughts do not have to solely be "I am based".  But rather, you may group your I am's with other thoughts that are positive.  Finally, another powerful thing to privately think to yourself is, "I am God, and God is one with me." We are all creations of God, we are directly connected and tied to God's energy.  We have access to such divine Spiritual Power that can be used in this world. I believe strongly that everyone has the gift of intuition, and can access that gift. I am saving that for another post. All that I'm asking is to meet me half-way. Try this way of thinking for several weeks, and let me know if this works for you!