Justin Chase Mullins is an internationally renowned psychic medium.  He has appeared on Destination America's Ghost Asylum, iHeart Radio, LA Talk Radio, CBS Radio, Mysterious World TV, Ghost Hunt Weekends, and OM Times. He is recipient of the 2013 Best American Psychics Awesome Accolades Award. Justin is tested as legitimate by the Certified Psychic Society (2012).  Justin has two degrees from the University of Phoenix (Masters of Criminal Justice and Security, and a Bachelor of Science of Communications).

Born and raised in Clintwood Virginia, a small town in the Appalachian Mountains of Southwest Virginia. Justin has an earthy boy-next-door charm, good natured personality, and southern sense of humor.  He's not very new agey in his demeanor.  A reading with Justin is like talking with an old friend. He understands that you're coming from a potentially vulnerable state with issues that are very near and dear to your heart. The loss of anyone can be very catastrophic. Justin never takes for granted the magnitude of what he's blessed to do and the impact that a reading can have on someones life.

About Justin’s Abilities

Justin Chase Mullins is an empath, evidential medium and remote viewer. He has the abilities of clairvoyance – clear seeing, clairsentience – clear sense, claircognizant – clear recognition, clairaudience- clear hearing.

Justin is not an astrologer, nor does he work with any objects such as Tarot cards. Justin considers himself one of the people chosen to raise the overall spiritual awareness and consciousness in this lifetime. He connects to a higher and faster energy from other dimensions. Justin has a sensitivity that allows him to receive information through his senses. He is very much the messenger and middle man. Justin connects to Spirit, which is a God source of information.

Justin is a psychic. He defines a psychic as someone who has insight into past, present, and future information in key areas such as romance, career, life path, spiritual development, and so on. Justin stresses it’s important to live in the present with a sense of balance. People that worry over the future will have anxiety. Those that stress over the past have lower energies such as fear, depression and so on. The past has happened and cannot be changed. Focus solely on the now. It’s important to give up the need to control the future. Live in the present through meditation, and developing a spiritual practice. The past can be used as a tool to heal from, learn life lessons from, and so on.

A medium is someone who connects to those that have crossed over. The spirit will communicate through Justin’s senses, he will see, hear, feel, and know. Justin will experience such information as names, initials of names, cause of death, memories, current events in your life, memories, and etc.

Please add info@justinchasemullins.com to your email list of safe senders, and check your spam folder for any email notifications.

Justin currently has a 1 year waiting list for phone readings. To be placed on the waiting list please fill out the below form. You will receive an invoice requiring payment due immediately to reserve your spot on the waiting list. You will be contacted when there’s an opening for a private phone reading.


30 Minutes 250.00

60 Minutes 350.00


Phone Reading Form